Stuff motivation…be committed. You don’t need to be - TopicsExpress


Stuff motivation…be committed. You don’t need to be motivated, you need to stop being lazy and commit…a bit harsh right? Maybe, but before you hang me by my feet, keep reading. I always liken motivation to a new infatuation; motivation is the ‘desire’ to do something and the feeling of wanting. When you first meet someone and everything about them is new and interesting (hopefully), you want to see them, you want to spend time with them, you have the ‘desire’ to be with them….but, then there’s usually a fork in the road, you bail or you commit – and this is true for almost everything in life. Careers, relationships, hobbies, study – we all come across things at one point or another that immediately have our attention and then BAM we push it aside and couldn’t spare a fleeting thought on it ever again. My point is motivation has ups and down, ebbs and flows, yes it may be important in getting you started, yes that initial excitement and desire to want to do something is significant…but at some point you need to face that fork in the road and make a mental shift to commit. Everyday I wake up, I brush my teeth, I shower, I make breakfast, I’m committed to these parts of my day, it’s habit, it’s routine, I don’t wake up and think…shit, I just don’t feel like brushing my teeth this morning, I do it because it’s engrained into my daily ritual, it’s not a choice it just is what it is. Why do I do these things? They’re good for me, there are plenty of things I do in my life or are committed to in life not because I always want to do them, but because I need to or I understand the benefit/the end result. In saying this, you have to prioritize where you’re commitment lies, we all have the same 24 hours, it’s what makes up those 24 hours which creates the divide between the successful and unsuccessful (insert own definition of success). While I suppose most of these posts are central to health, fitness & wellbeing I’m also very aware many of you couldn’t give a %$&# about committing to you’re fitness or health (your loss!) but the underlying message here transcends just one area of life. Motivation by definition will rise and fall, commitment by definition, ‘stays in place.’ Commit and succeed or spend your life taking two steps forward one step back!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 09:18:15 +0000

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