Such wonderful, funny, emotional and candid posts this week about - TopicsExpress


Such wonderful, funny, emotional and candid posts this week about what #megsmiles means to us. Here’s mine: A few years ago, I was mowed down flat during my morning run by a careless bicyclist and ended up leaving most of my elbow on the pavement. It happened in the midst of an absolutely horrible time. There was the shock and terror of the Boston bombings, followed by several crippling and completely unexpected losses in my circle of friends. Suddenly everything in my otherwise stable, predictable world felt rattled. Raw. Fragile. I wrote a blog back then, the final paragraph of which is as relevant today as it was then: “Running is a teacher. It teaches us to persevere. It teaches us to be grateful to be alive. It teaches us that we’re all connected. It teaches us that running can heal—and even transform. It helps us process a world that can take unimaginable turns. Most of all (and best of all), running reminds us not to take anything for granted.” I remember first hearing about Meg and dedicating my miles to her back in January when the news of her death crushed me like it did thousands of others, especially mothers of young children. Since then, deep bonds have been forged here among us. I celebrated with you. I started daring to dream big about running my first half. I got out there more. I improved. I relied on you for inspiration. I suffered setbacks. I relied on you more. I learned patience and resilience and determination. And now as I pack for tomorrow’s trip to Richmond, I can’t help thinking that this could be the start of a beautiful tradition and deep friendships, all in the wake of a woman who sounds pretty amazing, and who left very big footprints in her wake. I’m not making this trip quite in the way I had hoped, but I have realigned my head and my heart, and will be staked out early on Saturday to cheer for all of you in my blue Meg shirt. I’m coming armed with pompoms, cow bells and confetti, and you will hear me goad you to a strong finish as I jump on my good foot! Looking for Jorge, Robert, Brooke, Mandi, Lyn, Pam, Scott, Leslie, MO, Corinne, Lashell, Ed, Lynette, Tracey, and all the other Meggers pounding the Richmond streets, channeling Meg’s strength, and spirit and resolve. I could stand anywhere on the course as my Cheer Spot, but I picked the 12-mile mark because the indomitable April Hicks told me yesterday “that’s when I crash.” April won me over early on in this group with her heartwarming exuberance, her self-deprecating and funny posts, and her incredible progress. During my own half training, April felt like my canary in a coal mine (“well, April did 10 miles and lived to post about it…”). When last week’s x-ray erased my chances of running Richmond, April cried with me, and then IMed me daily to see how I was holding up. I’ve never met her and might even pass her in a grocery store, yet last week she asked HER mom to sew MY name on HER shirt sleeve for the race because she knew how crushed I was and wanted me to “run” with her. Bowled over…and on my birthday, too!! I can’t wait to meet you tomorrow and to see you fly past me smiling in that half, girlfriend! Love. Compassion. Support. Empathy. Motivation. These and 100s of other positive forces live on in this group, as we all rely on each other and move forward together in our own way, for our own reasons and at our own paces. Run well on Saturday, everyone. I’m SO proud of all of you and I look forward to toasting your races, and running with you next year. Long live #megsmiles and thank you! I am so moved by the positive force that this group has become.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 16:38:14 +0000

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