Sure Vincent i am a Zimbabwean speaking as an African Zimbabwean - TopicsExpress


Sure Vincent i am a Zimbabwean speaking as an African Zimbabwean to help Zimbabwe and Africa to begin with though i go beyond borders. I can advise any politician who may need Gods advice. As messenger of God i stand for every human being and not their parties. I always support what is right and always against what goes against God. Political parties in a single country was the devils idea to distablise poor countries. The multiparty system works in rich countries becoz they focus much on their riches than politics. To them politics becomes just a game. Yet in poor countries its a way to enrich themselves therefore focusing much on what enriches them much than the welfare and the well being of their citizens. God wants us live as one happy family on his planet. So i make no choice but to comply with the Sender and i am prepared to give godly advice to anyone who may need it. Thank you. ( Chibhende ndinoita kune vakabhenda, kune vari straight ndiri straight kkkkkkkk.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 05:35:38 +0000

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