Sweet readers, I am in the hospital. I have been here for the - TopicsExpress


Sweet readers, I am in the hospital. I have been here for the last 48 hours as my doctor and nurses have done wonderful work to try and stop my contractions. Many of your know that I’m only 31 weeks pregnant. We are seeing great results from the medications and the bed rest. God is faithful no matter when baby arrives, but we are believing for complete health for myself, and a chunky full-term baby. This has been an anxious few days for me. Every time I wait to hear if labor is progressing or if certain tests indicate that baby will come soon, my heart feels paralyzed. I have prayed a lot over the last few days. I have reminded God of His love for me and that it (His love) is His only motivator. He is not motivated by my faithfulness – He is motivated by HIS. He is not motivated by my righteousness – He is motivated by HIS. He is not even motivated to show me love and mercy because of my love for Him – He is motivated solely by HIS love and unfailing mercy towards me. The same is true for you. Are you in a moment? Are you waiting for news that feels big enough to change your destiny or future? Is your heart gripped by the clenches of uncertainty? Peace, sweet friend. Borrow my prayer. Precious Father, You see all my moments. This one is like all of the rest. You aren’t surprised by what the doctors, employers, lawyers will say. You aren’t surprised by what is waiting on the letter in the mail. You aren’t surprised by the outcome of this situation. You are already there, Lord. You know each step. Help me now, God. Help me to follow You one more step today. The bravest step, God, because it is uncertain. Help me to trust You in the purest form of the word – to follow You even when I don’t understand. Help me to rest in the assurance that I can trust Your love even when I do not know Your plan. You are good always. You are kind always. Your love is unfailing, Father. Wrap me in the security of Your presence now, God. I ask these things in the precious Name of Your Son.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 17:48:47 +0000

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