TAPAS - austerity; perseverance; fire; to burn; voluntary - TopicsExpress


TAPAS - austerity; perseverance; fire; to burn; voluntary self-practice! This is a repost from an inspiring yogi in NYC. Om Love. A FIT STATE OF MIND {1/2/2015 entry from my blogpost) Every year around this time, we get asked about New Years resolutions. I have to confess something: I hate this question. I hate it because I believe that if you are striving for a goal, or want to make a change, make that change... TODAY. In the PRESENT moment--dont wait. It doesnt have to be January 1st. Some of you know, I started on a fitness journey in 2014. My goal wasnt to lose weight (though that was a bonus!) but to be a healthier me since I had received bad MRI results for knee injuries. (That is another blog entry.) For the past few months, these have been my Set Alarms. It started with a Friday 7am yoga class that I got up at 5am for it. (I get up at 5am because I live in Queens and it takes about 45 minutes of travel time to get to this gym in Manhattan.) As I look back at 2014, its astonishing to me that I have been getting up at 5am and making this 7am yoga class since March 2014--and I have NOT MISSED a single 7am yoga class in the 9+ months since I started coming! And believe me, in the beginning it was soooo hard to get up at 5am. And for those that think I am a morning person--ugh, I am soooo not a morning person! It started with waking up early 1 morning a week for yoga. Then it became 2 times a week. Now, I wake up 3 times a week at 5am to make a yoga class or a spin class. And I have come to enjoyed the peaceful and energizing early morning workouts. Yoga changes you. And when youre in a fit state of mind, you know that making a 7am yoga class isnt a hassle, but an opportunity for mental clarity and physical wellbeing. It is not a task to be crossed off a daily list but a personal reward. I can even say that--not all Fridays but there are some Fridays--when I jump out of bed at 5am for this class because I look forward so much to an opportunity to practice yoga. It just starts my day off right. I even came on the days I was off from work and on my birthday! Theres a truth about the impact of healthy living, especially exercise, and its this: It can make a good mood great, a great mood transcendent, and a bad mood bearable. And in some cases, it can make hard times if not bearable, a force for real change. This is the power of exercise. So if your goal is to be a healthier you this year, as I see in some of my friends FB posts, I encourage you all to be active. Find something that you love and stick with it. It doesnt have to be long, but can be 15 mins, 20 mins, 30 mins. Start small. Do something active every day, whether it be yoga, spinning, running, or even a long walk. Do it for yourself and a healthy state of mind. I wish for good health for all of you, my friends. Happy New Year, everyone! #takeopportunitiesforwellbeing #afitstateofmind #aheathiernewyouin2015
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 23:53:00 +0000

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