THANK YOU LORD FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS AND FOR SENDING AN ANGEL TO GUIDE ME.I will try to make this as short as possible but it deserves to be shared. On the 7th. of Oct my hemotoligist gave me a good report concerning my blood and the cancer cells. Well on the 11th. I felt something strange in my leg & back (the one where the cancer was.) I felt like something moved.. After then I began to have horrific pain in my back and leg which lasted until today. Backing up to yesterday. Went to a Spine sp. at Duke to try to figure out what is going on. I immediately told her I would like an MRI done After what I had gone through in the spring. (It took about 3 weeks to get one done in the spring. after pleading with 2 Drs and a pain clinic.) Any way all of you that know meknow i am not usually that assertive God interveined. and I found someone to do the MRI in the spring.The cancer would not have been found without the MRI . Now back to yesterday again. At first the Specialist agreed wiith me about the MRI needed to be done then she did a 360 and said I did not need the MRI. All the time I am telling her I want it done. After looking at my records and every thing she tells me she is pretty sure all the pain is coming from the spring problems and it began to weigh on me heavily because it didnt sound like it could be fixed. she said they would do X-Rays. However this guardian angel kept nugging me to keep insisting on a MRI She reluctainly agreed and went out side and got a Dr. or nurse to approve getting the test done. I was in MRI for one long hour but it did reveal that I have a severly pinched nerve which can be fixed with surgery.(Never been so glad to have surgery to free the pain and to know it is not coming from previous problems.) The Spine Dr. said she was so glad I kept insisting on the procedure and that the X-Rays did not reveal any thing.. She said you definately needed the MRI..We serve an awesome God who leads and guides us For I know it was that still quiet voice that was leading me in the right direction. .
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 03:10:12 +0000

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