THAT PERSON IS BEAUTIFUL! Life has gone with many diversifications, seasons change, circumstances change we never can make out when we actually came out of that cocoon of our comfort zone. As life journey has to be inevitably continued, we learned few things, we ignored few changes and kept moving ahead. Days turning, calendar changing and we are used to some practices! People we met were not always good! (Most of the time never) circumstances came really rough, might have had very bad time with most nearest ones, dreams were on fire, sometimes life might have even knocked you down such a way that you feel your backbone is broken! Still you feel people do not understand what you going through, pains are still there and to run the show you have to keep a smile on your face and show must go on.. Situations might have even come like you might have felt its ‘now enough’ ‘i can’t take it anymore’ ‘these pains are overwhelming’ ‘am i the only one going through this shit?’ ‘its useless being good to people’ ‘people anyway gonna take whatever they want as they are selfish’!!!! Criticizing, discouraging, disappointing, degrading, insulting, ignoring, ironical and all such words bringing tears in your eyes by tearing you apart will make you feel that even you should become brutal by heart and thoughts, so that you will become invincible to all such impinging arrows from negative sources in your life! And with that decision you too join that legacy by becoming one of those people who once pulled you down and certainly tomorrow one more ‘you’ will join the legacy!!! Chain reaction continues and the so called society remains cloudy. But for an instance if you turn the table and think, if you peep into the those people’s life who were super achievers the high frequency thinkers you will get one thing out i.e “they didn’t let outside negative factors to impact upon their inner positivity” – well this statements may seem not much eye catching for now but believe me its the billion dollar trick what they knew!!! “hehe what is there in that its easy to comprehend and follow” – you may be thinking this, but let me tell you its the real ass burning factor which is never easy to implement and follow! Lemme explain why?! People have affinity to say “love hurts” once they fail to get what they desired in spite of all the attempts and efforts! They came to conclusion that love is stupid thing it gives pains, its bullshit, etc. Well lets face the fact, its not love that hurt you but its the absence of love that gave you pains! Confused? No wonder! Well its the absence of that same love from other side, so you had that pain!!! Think if you had the same magnitude of love from the one you loved you would have had great time with lot of happiness! But its not happening because there is absence of love! And you said it as ‘love gave you pains’!!! the very next step what you take is believing and following that ‘love is bullshit’ and you make yourself hard, brute and stubborn for loveful incomings in future days as well, closing door voluntarily for all love which was supposed to knock your door! and eventually you prove yourself ‘love is bullshit’! But as the fact says, as the history is proof the true majestic love comes to those who stick on to his/her sweetness of heart even though they are heartbroken, even though they have been deceived, insulted and fed with tons and tons of pains from the one they loved. They kept patience, they held on, they knew its just a bad time, bad situation and kept on believing love is beautiful, just because someone gave pains its not necessary to make themselves sour they remained sweet in spite of all the pains they had, and one day cupid knocked their door with a bunch and bunch of awesome surprises and full of love in the outfit of their beautiful soul mate!!! Well i made to it too simple that it may not be eye brow rising, but this is the secret ingredient! It applies not only in terms of soul mate (I gave that example as it will be interesting to comprehend in our this age specially in FB) but it applies everywhere. Great people have not become great in a puff of a smoke, they were been hit again and again with all the negative forces, they were pulled down, they too were heartbroken but they stood up again, they didn’t change their perspective towards life even though they were surrounded by dirt but they remained as a lotus. Meanwhile others were already a fossil with the dirt. Those super achievers were super positive, they kept smiling with every whip shot, they held on for their right time to act. You will be pushed to see what you dont want to see, you will be pulled down to shit, you will be deceived, you will be made to feel lonely, confused, frustrated, helpless and unworthy! Stick on, they are your testing phases, every time you hold on to your positivity in negative situation you will be taken one step up towards awesomeness of life! Believe that you are born blessed and special, because god never creates garbage, they too had 24 hours a day, you too have the same! Its not about what others think about you, its about what you think about yourself. Its easy to make face like a crocodile and wander with ego, but it takes real guts in ass to stay soft and smiling like a flower in worst environment, but unfortunately people think that it takes courage to be violent or rough or to have attitude of zombie! No!!! Its easy, but it takes courage to be soft, gentle, and sensitive. Its easy to be revengeful but its difficult to forgive from heart the one who gave you pains! Its easy to stare at the one who stares at you, but its difficult to smile at them. Its easy to steal, burn and break but its difficult to earn, create and join, its easy to dominate but its difficult to win hearts with love. Those all people are weak who turned themselves negative by becoming violent, brutal, revengeful in society as they couldn’t hold on to their positivity and they just have the mask of being strong! Strong are those who have abundance of love, bliss and presence of good intentions in their heart even though they were been treated in a very worst way in society. And the biggest fact is, every great things we have in our surroundings is because of these great people! A scientist being insulted by elite scientific research team didn’t leave his experiments for the welfare of society! He spent his lifetime to invent a vaccine for a deadliest disease and shares with whole mankind for free of cost! If he had kept it with himself just because some idiots insulted him, millions of lives would have lost, he is none other than Jonas Salk the inventor of Polio vaccine!!! If he hadn’t done it, think what you would have done if you were attacked by polio? Feeling grateful? Yup you have to. Much examples from our country as well, the guy who was rejected from becoming fighter pilot for some rational reasons, if he had made himself negative and went back thinking the society is not worth for his contributions, we wouldn’t have got 5000kms ranging super defense power Agni missile nor an awesome president! Ya am talking about his Excellency Dr, Kalam!!! Mother Theresa had requested the Indian gvt to help her to open orphanage by providing a piece of shelter, Rejected! She didn’t back down, she kept her work on, eventually fed thousands of physically challenged kids and orphans! World honored her with Noble prize for her humanity! Even in Karnataka, there was time i met personally(first time on my dedicated chair named Tejas Pavate!!) Late Smt.Gangubhai Hangal a famous singer from north karnataka, every one knows she is as class singer of all time but when she said a real incident of her life that once her husband was literally ill and she didn’t had money to treat him, she admitted him in hospital, same time she had to go to concert to get money she had to tell him to take care of himself and leave him in hospital! everyone had tears listening this. She still believed world is beautiful, and ended giving the country a great singer. Millions of people contributed to society even though they got pains from the same society and many are still giving!!! Today if something is good and beautiful around us then its because of those beautiful super positive minded people! And certainly not because of those people who always complained with ugly thinking just because once they had hammer shot by others! Those all great achievers were once knocked down, they too suffered from society more then we can ever know but they kept themselves sticked to that positivity! And some of us walk like world deceived us and make face like world should be sorry to us just because someone injected some toxic in us!!! Well, You cant achieve happiness even if you have a beautiful face, you cant achieve full joy of life even though you have seven or more digit bank balance, you cant achieve that prosperity even though you are famous and always under limelight; But you can achieve all that you desire, all the happiness, all the loveful relationships, all the success if you make yourself beautiful inside! In return you will bring every abundance to yourself and people around you. It requires strength to have love and kindness in your heart in every odd situation, it requires guts to stay humble to all those harsh people, the true power is not the capacity to make war but the capacity to prevent it! Rich are those who can give happiness without expecting anything back. Pretty are those who can make others smile . This is what is written in all great religious books, at the end only kindness matters. And that person who can understand this can make the world a beautiful place to live!!! That person will be a super achiever of happiness and certainly THAT PERSON IS BEAUTIFUL!!! by Tejas Pavate (copying/sharing is allowed and encouraged) Thank you for all my friends inspiring me to write this with Harish, Prashanth, S P Praveen Remya V Sudeep Saish Sneha Karuna Ramazah Bhargavi Vishweshkumar Adeyemi Austine
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 17:37:09 +0000

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