THE BATTLE OF BADR!! HAREK BADR, YONENTI YAALLAH MUHAMMAD SAW ANDAK NYU TORLU SI NYETTI TAEMAERI JULITT, NYARI FASSI NARR WU GORR AK JUROME NYAR FUKI GAELEM, SEN MBORLOH MU TOOT MA DAN/DUMA YAEFARI MAKKAH YA, CHI KATANI YAALLAH. DAEGU REK MOH AM SORLOH, TEY MOM JULITT NYAANGIY REYANTEH NGIRR NGOOR AK ALELLI ADUNA, NYAEPA JOH WAAYI NAEW JI DORLEH GHI GINAAW, INSHA ALLAH FEN DU TEEM DAEGA MUKK, MUKK, BEH ILAL ABAD, KON ALHAMDULILLAH. YALNA YAALLAH HALAK YAEFARI BANI ISRAEL, YALNA YAALLAH DAMA BAEPA NGUR BULLEN JAPALEH. YAALLAH DEH LOH BAYTUL MAQDIS SI LOHO JULITT YI, TEH NYUN JULITT YI DELLU SI YORNI NJUP. PALESTINE YAL NENJ AM NDAM. It was the night of Friday, 17th of Ramadan and as the three hundred and thirteen believers settled themselves for the night, ALLAH in His Mercy sent down upon them a blessed, peaceful sleep so that when they awoke to offer their prayer in the morning they felt totally refreshed and prepared for conflict. Meanwhile in the other camp, the Quraysh army with their large, well equipped army stirred and struggled as made their way with their camels to the top of Akankal. By the time the Quraysh reached the top of the hill the sun had already risen and they were visible to the Prophet (SAW). Upon seeing the army, the Prophet (SAW) supplicated saying, Ya ALLAH, the Quraysh are here. In arrogance and pride they come, opposing You and belying your Messenger. O Lord, give us Your help which You have promised. O Lord, destroy them this day. Not long after, the Prophet (SAW) chanced to see Utba, Rabias son, riding a red camel and said to his companions, If there is any good at all with any one of them, it will be with this man riding the red camel. If they obey him they will take the right path. The Quraysh also had sight of the believers and were surprised to find they were so few and thought perhaps there may be another force concealed somewhere to the rear. When they reached the valley the Quraysh made their camp and sent Umair on horseback to estimate their numbers and see if there were in fact any concealed reinforcements. When Umair returned he proclaimed, O men of Quraysh, I have seen camels carrying death. These men have no defense or refuge, they have only their swords, but I do not think any man of them will be killed before he has first killed one of us. Even if each party were to kill the other in equal numbers what good will there be left in life after this, what will you do! Upon hearing Umair, Hakim, from the tribe of Asad, nephew of Lady Khadijah went straight to Utba, the father of Waleed with the men of Abdu Shams. Utba had consented to join the Quraysh against the believers on account of his dead kinsmen, the brother of Amir Al Hadrami, killed at Nakhlah during the Sacred Month. When Hakim found Utba he said. You are the greatest man, the lord of the Quraysh, and one who is obeyed. Would you like men to remember you with praise for all time? Utba asked, How could this be? Lead them back, the Quraysh demand nothing more than blood from Muhammad (SAW) for the blood of your ally, Hadrami, replied Hakim. Hakims words appealed to Utba and he agreed whilst encouraging him also to speak with Abu Jahl but he had for many years opposed the Prophet (SAW) and was the most anxious among them to wage war against him. Utba spoke to his people saying, O men of Quraysh, there is nothing to gain fighting Muhammad (SAW) and his companions. If you defeat them each man among you will always look with despise at another who has killed either his uncle, a cousin or kinsmen. Therefore, turn back and leave Muhammad (SAW) to the rest of the Arabs. If they kill him you have your desire, on the other hand, if they do not you will have shown self-restraint towards him. When Hakim found Abu Jahl he was oiling his coat of mail and conveyed the message to him. Abu Jahl was infuriated and addressed the army saying, By ALLAH, we will not turn back until it is decided between us and Muhammad (SAW). Then he called Utba a coward, afraid of death for himself and his son Abu Hudhayfah who was a Muslim. To add fuel to the fire Abu Jahl called upon Amir, the brother of the deceased Amr and challenged him not to let this opportunity to revenge his brothers death slip from him. Emotions ran high and Amir in a state of traditional distress tore his clothes as he screamed at the top of his voice, Woe for Amr, woe for Amr, which incited the army still further to fight. Utbas words had fallen on deaf ears, nothing would stop them now. When he heard that Abu Jahl had accused him of cowardice his pride was challenged, so he searched for a helmet to prove him wrong, but was unable to find one large enough, so he wound a piece of cloth around his head to protect him -- the final preparations for the conflict were now underway. As the Quraysh began to advance, the Prophet (SAW) called upon his companions to form their ranks and spoke to them with words of encouragement, and they knew A was with them. Their lines were as straight as arrow with one exception, an Ansar by the name of Sawad, stood slightly more forward than the rest, so the Prophet (SAW) went to him and gently prodded his midriff with an arrow. Sawad seized upon the opportunity and said, Ya Rasulullah, you have hurt me, ALLAH has sent you with truth and justice, so give me my rights. Upon this, the Prophet (SAW) uncovered his midriff and Sawad bent down and kissed it. The Prophet (SAW) asked him what had prompted him to do this whereupon Sawad said, Ya Rasulullah, with matters as they are, and if it is written, it is my wish that my last moments should be spent with you -- that my skin has touched yours. Upon hearing these moving remarks, the Prophet (SAW) supplicated to ALLAH asking for blessings upon Sawad. Not long after, the Prophet (SAW) withdrew to his shelter with Abu Bakr and prayed to ALLAH for help. After his prayer, a short slumber overtook him and upon waking he said to Abu Bakr, Be well pleased, ALLAH has sent His help to you. Jibreel is here and in his hand is the rein of a horse which he leads, and he is armed for the conflict! By now the Quraysh army had drawn nearer and ALLAH in His Mercy made their numbers appear considerably smaller than they were to the believers; the unbelievers were now only a short distance from the reservoir. Referring to their numbers an the prompts of satan, ALLAH says in the Quran: Indeed, there was a sign for you in the two armies which met on the battlefield. One was fighting in the way of ALLAH, and another unbelieving. They (the believers) saw with their eyes that they were twice their own number. But ALLAH strengthens with His victory whom He will. Surely, in that there was a lesson for those possessed of eyes. Holy Quran Surah Aal-i-Imraan 3:13 And when ALLAH made them appear to you in a vision as a small band, had He showed them to you as many, your courage would have failed you and you would have quarreled over the affair. But ALLAH saved; He knows the innermost thoughts in the chests. And when you met them, He showed them in your eyes as being few, and decreased (your number) in their eyes so that ALLAH might determine what was ordained. To ALLAH all matters return. Believers, when you meet an army stand firm and remember ALLAH abundantly, in order that you are prosperous. Obey ALLAH and His Messenger and do not dispute with one another lest you should lose courage and your resolve weaken. Have patience - ALLAH is with those who are patient. Do not be like those who left their homes elated with insolence and showing off to people, barring others from the Path of ALLAH - but ALLAH encompasses what the do. And when satan made their foul deeds seem fair to them, he said: No man shall conquer you this day. I shall be your savior. But when the two armies came within sight of each other he took to his heels saying: I reject you, for I can see what you cannot. I fear ALLAH, ALLAH is Stern in retribution. Holy Quran Surah Al-Anfaal 8:43-48 Al Aswad, Abdullah Asads son from the tribe of Makhzum, known for his disagreeable personality, was the first to initiate hostilities as he cried out defiantly, I will drink from their reservoir, destroy it or else die before reaching it. Hamza, Abdul Muttalibs son challenged him and as the two engaged in combat, Hamza struck him with such force that his foot and shin were severed and flew through the air. Al Aswad was determined to fulfill his word and crawled towards the reservoir, however, Hamza killed him and his body fell into it. Utba, Rabias son, accompanied by his brother Shayba and his son were the next to challenge and cried out for one-to-one combat. From the Ansar three men stepped forward, they were the brothers Awf and Muawwidh, the sons of Afra and another, probably, Abdullah, the son of Rawaha. Utba asked who they were, and they replied, We are from the Ansar, whereupon Utba replied, Our affair is not with you, we know that you are equal to us in lineage but we wish to fight those of similar standing from our own tribe. At that moment, someone from the Quraysh called out: Muhammad, send out against us our peers from our own tribe! The Prophet (SAW) called upon Ubayda, Hariths son, Hamza and Ali to go forth to meet their enemies and as they approached, the Quraysh asked them to identify themselves. After their identifications had been made known the Quraysh accepted to fight them. Ubayda fought Utba, Hamza fought Shayba, and Ali fought Shaybas son. The fight between Ali and Shaybas son, and Hamza and Shayba was over quickly -- both Ali and Hamza killed the enemies of ALLAH. Meanwhile Ubayda and Utba had struck each other twice and Ubayda had fallen victim. When Hamza and Ali saw what had befallen their companion they turned upon Utba and he did not live to see the evening. Gently, Hamza and Ali carried Ubayda to the Prophet (SAW). His leg had been severed and he had lost a tremendous amount of blood. When he saw the Prophet (SAW) he gazed up at him and asked, Ya Rasulullah, am I to be a martyr? Indeed you are, replied the Prophet (SAW) in a soft tone and Ubayda was happy. Then Ubayda said in his weakened voice, If Abu Talib were alive today he would know that his words: We will not give him up until we lie dead around him, forgetting our women and children, have been fulfilled in me. Three out of the four enemies of Islam that lay dead on the battlefield were killed by Hamza and were related to a high-ranking woman named Hind. Such was Hinds hatred of Hamza that she swore to take her revenge as soon as the opportunity presented itself. Before the armies advanced on each other, the Prophet (SAW) ordered his companions not to attack until he gave the word, and told them that in the event they should find themselves surrounded by the enemy they were to keep them at bay by showering their arrows above their heads. He also told them that among the Quraysh were those that had been forced to take up arms against them and if they happened to encounter any of them they must not kill them. Those people were Abbas, the Prophets uncle, the children of Hashim and Abdul Bakhtari who had supported the Prophet (SAW) on several occasions. Meanwhile, the adrenaline coursed quickly through the veins of the Quraysh and in their anxiousness to ignite the conflict two arrows were fired. The first struck Mihja, the freedman of Omar who became the next believer to be martyred, then the second arrow pierced the neck of Haritha, Surakas son from the tribe of Najjar as he drank from the reservoir.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 03:19:11 +0000

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