THE BEAUTIFUL BEAUTY IN A WOMAN! 1 Peter 3:1-6 It is an open - TopicsExpress


THE BEAUTIFUL BEAUTY IN A WOMAN! 1 Peter 3:1-6 It is an open secret that men are visual beings. We are attracted towards the looks and physique of a woman because they have a way of paralyzing our world by giving us pulsations and drive. I have heard this cliché that women are not trophies and I disagree because there is some element of that in each man…A man wants you as his lady to glisten with magnificent pulchritude. It is your exquisite gorgeousness that gave him the impulsion to talk to you. When he is with his boys, he likes to show off and to talk about you! As a result we have put pressure on you our women to go to great lengths to invest in your outward appearance at the expense of what really endears us and captivates us. A stunningly pretty lady will startle a man, but there is something about the inner beauty that enthralls him over and over. By all means don’t stop looking nice. The above passage has been used to bash women who take their time to look good. It is not a sin to make your hair and put on make up, dress well, eat right, go to the gym, I mean do all that you can to look good but do not forget the inner woman in you. Pretty is a sentence or a phrase, but beauty is a thesis statement because it encompasses an all rounded feminine precision. Unless you are like Annette Larkins who eats raw food and drinks rain water (she is over seventy but looks like she is 30years old, google her) I’m sure you know that you won’t have your current looks till Kingdom come, take a look at your mum and your grandma. That means you need a balance between your looks and your heart. Men don’t like emotional clutter and blackmail will only go so far. Wait...did Peter just say you need to win your husband? Like it or not, you are in competition with other predator Jezebels -‘bad girls’ who want a piece (in some cases the whole) of your man. Many ladies take pride in the fact that they are equipped (read trained themselves to lash) with a lashing tongue that can spit 1000words per minute to their husbands when they are angry at them. That’s not nice, it is uncouth. When you purpose to become a woman of the word, you learn to win your husband without words. Your character alone speaks for itself, because you have been spending time with your first love and he has instilled in you the discipline of being polite. If your husband is not born again or if he is lethargic when it comes to church matters perhaps it is your tongue that is keeping him away. You need to adorn yourself daily with an unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. God has laced you with intuitive perception to be able to help your husband not to look down upon him. When he is wrong, there is always a polite way to address that issue without going ballistic. Wife, anytime you quarrel your husband, you are dishonouring God. You are telling him that he did a huge mistake in availing that man. Don’t make your man dread coming home because you are a mini beast in a skirt wagging the cooking stick at him. Your house should not be another battle zone, your man has been busy fighting battles in the world with the sole intent of bringing ‘meat’ to the house. The least you can do is ensure that there is a warm ambience at home, where peace flows freely without any obstacles. It is here that he can recharge to go and face another day. It is here that he feels like a king even if his boss and his colleagues think less of him. You need to massage that ego, your man needs it badly!! Life is short, make sure each day is special for your husband because one of this days it will be the last day you spend with him! -Beyond I Do.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 12:34:36 +0000

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