THE BIG QUESTION WHAT NEXT FOR FDC AFTER THE POLITICS OF TRICKERY, BACK STABBING, MALICE AND PROPAGANDA ??? The long-awaited Forum for Democratic Change election probe report recommended that the country’s largest opposition party should go back to the polls to elect the party president, In the election held on November 22, 2012 in Namboole Stadium, Mr Muntu polled 50.6 per cent of the 771 valid votes cast, against Mr Mafabi’s 46.8 per cent. The prototype objective was to give ample time to the new president to organize support for 2016. Because of politics of trickery, Col. Besigye who was at the Apex of the party leadership had not put it in black and white that the presidential election was for a full term of five years. In short, he created a by-election to give him chance to seek for donation from the west for both his walk to work and 2016 campaigns. Besigye did this hoping that Nandala Mafabi would win the presidency of FDC and give him a lee way as a flag bear come 2016, which was suffocated by the son of Muntu-oyera. This is why on the first day of the sitting of the Ladislaus Rwakafuuzi commission at the party headquarters, Team Nandala asked the commission: “Was Muntu elected to serve the remainder of the term of Dr Kizza Besigye or for a full new term of five years? This question had not been in the original petition by Team Nandala and the commission failed to find its immediate relevance to the petition. The party counsel, Wandera Ogalo gave his opinion to the effect that the party constitution provides that the party president is elected to a term of five years. The presidential election of November 22, 2012 was carried out in substantial compliance with the national laws and the FDC constitution and regulations. For any serious party that is built on the bricks of democracy would concentrate on having a united and formidable opposition. Having an expensive re-run is not financially viable. I am concerned with the FDC general sense of disappointment that the FDC trinity (Muntu, Mafabi, Besigye) do not seem to be pulling in the same direction. If I may ask, why Dr Besigye has never appeared jointly with his successor at a public rally???
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 11:54:14 +0000

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