THE BLOOD OF JESUS To Believers around the world, the cross is a - TopicsExpress


THE BLOOD OF JESUS To Believers around the world, the cross is a symbol of faith and love. But if you had lived 2,000 years ago, the cross would mean something different to would be about punishment and death. Even though the cross means hope to you and I, the real story, the real power, is in the blood of Jesus that was shed on it. Many people want nothing to do with the cross because to them it’s “too bloody and violent.” That is true - the cross was very violent, but the love of God was even more fierce in order for Him to endure it for you. Jesus shed His blood for you. The blood of Jesus promotes you to the highest place. The spiritual promotion you’ve received makes you favoured and blesses you with abilities you never had before. I’ll explain that more in a moment. Galatians 3:13-14 KJV says, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ . . ” “Redeemed” means you have been purchased—BOUGHT AND PAID FOR. • You’ve been purchased from poverty to be blessed financially, • purchased from sickness to be blessed physically, and • purchased from spiritual death to receive new life. So the blood of Jesus bought your freedom out from under the curse of the Law, but it also promoted you. You’re seated in heavenly places with Christ! There is power in the blood—cleansing, healing, and spiritual authority—all yours! It is the foundation of every spiritual victory. And the Bible explains how it works... “Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers... ” (1 Peter 1:18 KJV). You were so precious to God that silver and gold weren’t enough. God purchased you with something infinitely more valuable and permanent. He used the blood of Jesus. 1. The blood of Jesus is precious because it has REDEEMING POWER. The Bible says in Hebrews 9:22 that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. It doesn’t cover your sin, it washes it away—it’s like a spiritual soap! 2. The blood of Jesus is precious because of its PACIFYING POWER.The blood of Jesus brings peace to situations where laws have been broken; it brings peace in a situation where there is a guilty conscience. Colossians 1:20 KJV says, “And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth or things in heaven.” 3. The blood of Jesus is precious because of its EMBOLDING POWER. This is the one area where I finally “got it,” and it changed my entire approach toward God. Boldness or confidence is knowing that you have a right by the blood of Jesus to come before God and to take full advantage of your promotion. It’s confidence that you can exercise in prayer! Hebrews 10:19 NKJV says, “Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus...” The Amplified says,“Therefore, brethren, since we have full freedom and confidence to enter into the [Holy of] Holies [by the power and virtue] in the blood of Jesus...” Many Christians believe they have to qualify to come into the presence of God. Now, if you don’t get the Scripture in you, then your natural mind, along with the devil’s suggestions, will create a whole list of things you think are needed so that God can hear you: (A) – I’ve got to pray for hours to come into His presence. That’s a lie. (B) – I better have a lot of good works. No, grace is your righteousness. (C) – I should pray loudly or intensely. God hears the groans of your spirit. (D) – I need to “warm God up” so He’ll be in a good mood to hear me. You may laugh at that last one—but there’s a lot of this going on. You are bought and paid for, and God has good things in store for you. I keep uncovering promises in God’s Word made available to Believers through the blood. I hope you can sense how much this topic has meant to me, and I want you to know these promises—but more importantly... In Revelation 2:4 NKJV, there is a charge to the Christians at Ephesus: “ have left your first love.” It’s one I’m reminded of as I teach God’s Word every week. Don’t ever forget the first response of your heart to a Saviour who paid it all for you. Make Him your first love. The real power in living for the Lord begins with the blessings of the precious blood of Christ. God’s promises remind you that His blood purchases and gives you a purpose—you have a destiny! Encouragement like that can only be gained through the blood! Proclaim the blood over your children, your family, your job, and over every sickness. Shout to the enemy, “I’m bought and paid for! Blessings are stored up for me. I’ve been purchased out of the old and into the best God has to offer!” Nota Bene:- The devil does NOT want you to act on this truth. This teaching is a life-changer. ACT ON THIS TEACHIN RIGHT NOW!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 04:29:49 +0000

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