THE BUSINESS-IN-A-BOX™ BOOTCAMP PROGRAM ON 27- 28 DEC 2014 Discover how 157 other Singaporeans have become successful entrepreneurs in 2o14 Using The Worlds easiest entrepreneurship system™ And how you can too! ....With the right guidance and mentoring ##### If you are interested to register for The Biz-In-A-Box Program, please whatsapp: to HP: +65 9382 0839 and we will get back to you on the registration details.##### Imran Mohd, Published Author and Serial Entreprenuer, have been featured in various media like TODAY, The Straits Times, 93.8 LIVE, Berita Harian and The New Paper, where he shared about the success stories of his various businesses. Imran’s programs has been running in several places regionally such as Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, and Singapore Heres the solution- The Business-in-a-box™ bootcamp program helps you to start a wildly profitable business in 48 hours flat. Say goodbye to the employee nightmare and hello to business owner status Join us, over 2 day intensive bootcamp on 27th and 28th weekend December 2014 At this exclusive “Top Business Building Retreat” Imran will personally help you set up and automate your entire business During the time together, hell carefully construct your $120,000 a year business, with the help of myself, and 2 other well-known business coaches, who he is flying in from around the world to sit with you and instruct you in detail on what to do, and how to do it. By the way... This is NOT one of those seminars where you get loads of ideas and then go away and do nothing! Because you will launch your products and seminars whilst you’re there...meaning by the time you leave, your business will already be making money! Not a month later... or even a week later... immediately! Whilst you create the business system step by step, you’ll see the sales coming in and the cash hitting your account. At the Top Secret business building retreat Imran be showing you exactly how his businesses run. He will be letting you see “behind the curtain” and revealing his most intimate business secrets. If his competitors ever found out what he’ll be sharing with you, he’d lose a massive competitive edge and it could potentially damage his profits... that’s why he’ll be asking all 20 attendees to sign a strict confidentiality agreement. This “business in a box intensive bootcamp” has been designed specifically for: 1. Anyone who is starting from scratch, with no business ideas, but don’t want to wait to slowly build a business over years – you’re the kind of person that wants it all, and wants it NOW! You want a done-for-you business at the end of the 2 days with Imran OR 2. Part-time entrepreneurs who are ready to finally take the leap from their current employment to build a full-time lucrative business OR... 3. Existing business owners who want to refine their business and EXPLODE their profits! (Imran have helped over 157 business owners at least double their profits last year alone) So if you’ve always dreamed of creating your own “business empire” and announcing your arrival with a BIG BANG... this retreat could be exactly what you’ve been looking for. You’ll also be rubbing shoulders with other super-committed “secret agents” who share the same level of dedication and determination to make a massive impact on the world, and flatly refuse to settle for being just another These are the kind of people who believe they’re on this planet to do something spectacular and will support one another for years to come. AND - you’ll get to sit down and privately work alongside some top business coaches in Singapore So Here’s How This 2-Day Intensive Works... You will work 2 days straight, to build your business. Imran have never done this many times before. And he’ll probably never do it again. He’ll start “gently” on the first day by showing you how heve been able to create 6 successful businesses and run them almost on autopilot. He will jump straight into the nitty gritty, and build the base infrastructure of your business. And because the “Top Secret Business Building Retreat” is all about taking action, you’ll implement these strategies on day one and start increasing your bank balance immediately! From then on he’ll pick up the pace and it gets really exciting! So here’s a brief breakdown of how these 2 intensive days will pan out: Day 1 · Create a website- (This is often the #1 reason why entrepreneurs get stuck- Get over this hurdle immediately!) · If you dont yet have any business ideas, he give you a list of ideas that cost less than $500 to start... (This is a genius method to get rolling in entrepreneurship) · Learn how to identify whos going to buy all of your products and services (This is CIA-Level Profiling Method not revealed anywhere else...) · Find out how to write compellingly, and make your products and service ultra-irresistible - Learn the secrets of what truly influences, and persuades buyers who buy · The exact formula he personally use in my various businesses, thats more than TRIPLED sales conversions without changing anything else · Step by step template and software, that helps you create your own persuasive sales pages · Imagine, walking out on Day 1, with your own website, business idea and compelling sales pages! Day 2 This is where magic happens · Hell guide you, step by step, how to create some of the most effective marketing campaigns ever, period, using the power of Internet Marketing · Youll learn how to attract customers like bees to honey, on a massive scale · You will learn how to get traffic to the website that you built on Day 1, instantly- giving you overnight leads and enquiries (His favorite module) · Hell show you how to SAVE MONEY while dominating your market... And watch at how your competitors are left in the dust - Youll implement sneaky, almost-unethical ways of using Facebook Marketing to steal customers from your competitors, in 30 minutes or less · Harness the raw, yet massively powerful nature of Google, via Laser-Targeted advertising · Learn how to AUTOMATE your business, using what he call a Conveyor-Belt Method · Master a skill he call the The Profits Tap that allows you to scale up your business no matter how large you want it to be In a Nutshell.... You walk out of this 2 day bootcamp with a business (even if you came in with no business ideas, and if you do, we will work on your current business). Youll also finally master the #1 skill most unsuccessful entrepreneurs lack. And what is this #1 skill? Its learning how to attract massive amounts of customers to whatever youre selling. And this is one of the core strategies that we will implement together in this 2 days for you. By the time you leave the “Top Secret Business Building Retreat” you cannot fail to have set up a highly profitable business. Heres a reason why you should take action now- He is about to give an offer that no one else dares to make in Singapore. Why? Because Imran stand 100% behind his practical methods, and how theyve been able to help he create, and run his 6 businesses. Listen.... Imran have no clue why other business coaches and seminars dont give an unconditional 100% Happiness Guarantee- But he does. And that is perhaps the reason why he want you onboard this program. Imran know that it will be the best program youve been on, bar none- Or tell him otherwise and hell gladly refund you every single penny. So now you know that this is the only entrepreneurship program with an iron-clad money back guarantee- but theres another reason why you want to jump onboard right now.. Lifetime Support access and business coaching assistance It is really important to us to have our customers feel fully supported throughout this entire program so please don’t think that after the 2 day bootcamp is over that the fun just stops there! This is because our customers will also gain instant access to our private online marketing channel where you can ask our team of marketing geniuses any questions that you may have and receive immediate support 24/7. In addition you will also receive access to his personal business contacts such as professional copywriters, seo experts, graphic design gurus, and skilled traffic generation specialists, so that you have access to only the best resources. Also, when you become a member of Business-In-a-Box Bootcamp™, you will also be able to attend any mastermind group meet-ups events, as well as any future workshops that we host in the future. But that’s not all. He also provide you with lifetime online coaching so whenever the latest marketing technique becomes available, you can rest assured that we will be able to teach these to you at no additional costs. This means that he is willing to hold your hands from the beginning to end, because the job isn’t complete until your business is a success. So when you factor in all of these cool bonuses into your investment decision, than you can easily see how this is a perfect opportunity to try a program that can pay for itself in as little as 3 weeks. This lifetime coaching support is worth $9,997 on its own. .....And lifetime free re-attendance of all future bootcamps.. Why? Because we believe in learning and re-learning. This is in line with his lifetime support goal to help you break through all your stumbling blocks and truly be a successful entrepreneur. This itself, is worth $3,000 on its own. Some reasons for you to be part of this life-changing business-in-a-box bootcamp program.. This is what the program entails. 1) 2 Days Private Intensive Bootcamp to get you started and ready 2) Followed by Lifetime Coaching access to further guide you for infinity in future 3) Lifetime Re-Attendance of all future workshops for revision and refreshing of knowledge 4) MONEY-BACK Guarantee, no questions-asked, 100% But this is not a suitable program for everyone.... We only want the most committed, and willing-to-change-your-lives individuals to be part of our program and join our growing community of successful entrepreneurs. ##### If you are interested to register for The Biz-In-A-Box Program, please whatsapp: to HP: +65 9382 0839 And we will get back to you on the registration details.#####
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 10:40:32 +0000

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