THE CATHOLIC OVER 1.2B FOLLOWERS OF SAINT PAUL, NOT JESUS CHRIST. Jesus never claim to establish Christianity on Earth, and never called Himself a Christian. The world Christianity is mentioned only three times, in the New Testament alone, without written in Aramaic the original Gospel of Jesus. The word Christianity is mentioned only in the New Testament. First, by Pagans and Jews in Antioch about 43 AD, long after Jesus had left this Earth, read in Acts 11:26 ... And the Disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. 2nd, Later by King Agrippa II to Paul in Acts 26:28 Then Agrippa said unto Paul. Almost thou persuades me to be a Christian. So the name Christian was first given by foes rather than friends, and 3rd, Finally by Peter in his letter to comfort the faithful in I Peter 4:16: Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed... The Holy Bible, the Translations (in other Languages) and the Versions (Aramaic, the Mother tongue language of Jesus) is one and the same thing, they do not know what is Translations and Versions. Actually what they called Versions is Translations, because there be no such thing as available original Manuscript. Made long after Jesus left on Earth and not the manners of Revelations. The words of Paul is the words of God, the teaching of St Paul is a teaching of God & the Versions of Paul is the Versions of God; e.g., 1st Tim. 2:5, Acts 2:22, 2nd Cor. 4:4 / 13:39, Girl. 5:2. Another words of men, by Benjamin Wilson, 1st John 5:7. Another forms the Gospels according to Mark, Luke, Matthew, John, etc. There are about two hundred identical Verses, e.g., both Matthew & Luke, Matt.3:7-10 & Luke 3:7-9, Matt. 18:10-14 & Luke 15:3-7, etc. The Son of God narratives by third persons, not Jesus, nor God Almighty & neither inspired them, if Jesus Himself who said so is like this, I am the Son of God, if God Almighty Who said so is like this, Jesus is My Son, words attributed somebody. In Biblical account, the words Son of God is 63 time mentions, the Son of Man is 84 times, 21 more, for the total of 147 times, no one and single of them Jesus Himself said, from His lips, I am the Son of God. Nowhere. The first and foremost proclaimed to Jesus as a Son of God is St Paul, long after Jesus left on Earth. And immediately in the synagogues he (St Paul) proclaimed Jesus, he is the Son of God! - Acts 9:20. Sad to say, the Vatican is the Mainland and Holy City of Catholic religion of around 1.2 Billion followers of Paul, not Jesus, the vast majority of Christianity in the World, where ever they practices the Mass Pilgrimage, but Jesus & all the Prophets not one and single of them came, live & born over there. The Greatest Multi Business Body Organizations Worldwide, religion by name only, pushes of hundred and thousand Commercial Banks, Elementary, High Schools, Colleges & Universities, Hospitals, Land & Sea transportation, Bookstores, Cemeteries, the best Seller of Biblical Revisions and General Supplies of Godly Images, etc., to be held pays services of Ceremonial Wedding, Buried, Baptisms, etc. As well as thousand & Million Employers, Employees & Workers Worldwide. All religions the name itself derive from the name of place, persons, tribe, period of time, etc. came from Earthly words, there will be a human founders, in other words, not accorded Verbal Divine Revelations of God. However, as in the case of Rizalista from the words Dr. Jose Rizal, Buddhism after Gautama Buddha, Confucianism after Confucius, Marxism after Karl Marx, Judaism after the tribe of Judah, Hinduism after the Hindu, and Christianity which was the named after Jesus Christ, etc. Where the Bible revealed took place? Is there will be a original text of the Bible written in Aramaic, the Mother tongue language of Jesus? Is it God Almighty said that the Bible which is the name of Divine Book He was revealed to Jesus? Is it the Divine Book was revealed to Jesus teaches hundred & thousand religions? if Jesus is Christian what Church he belong, Protestant, Catholic, Dating Daan? ... Jesus Himself denied to be a God; But in vain they do worship me (Jesus), teaching for Doctrines the commandments of men. - Matthew 15:9. Many will tell me (Jesus) in that day, Lord, Lord, didnt we prophesy in your name, in your name cast out demons, and in your name do many mighty works?. - Matthew 7:22. Then I will tell them, I never knew you. Depart from me, you who work iniquity. - Matthew 7:23.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 10:04:41 +0000

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