THE COUP OF THE DIVERSITY INTO UNITY RIBBON OF WHITE PANCASILA BY FRONT PEMBELA ISLAM (FPI) KUDETA PITA PUTIH BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA PANCASILA OLEH FRONT PEMBELA ISLAM (FPI) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now it is back again the validity and strength with how The Pancasila of Garuda bird was tested again with how some of local people view and examine how the Power of Garuda Pancasila. All of latent danger mode is always evolving with certainty and how bird Garuda and always passed the period where no small price to be paid The first period has passed is in the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) in 1965 At that time not a little price to be paid and how the death of the generals and princes of the nations security and defense authorities subverted and turned off and destroyed. And how very horrible death generals. And how the horror and suffering of the past and how narrow where the power of the Communist reign and destroy the ideology of Pancasila. But so it was stopped up by the roots. But unfortunately there is little way and the way that humanity is not used. That is why increasingly prevalent danger even the latent danger of the communist regime was overthrown in Indonesia at that time. And in 2014 was July 2014 by The Great Indonesia Movement Party (Partai Gerakan Indonesia Raya = GERINDRA) So they want to subvert the values of Pancasila and the Constitution in front of the authority of the Supreme Court of Constitutional (Mahkkamah Konstitusi), which became the emblem on the chest shield Pancasila. That is where they want to launch to replace the values of Pancasila and the Constitution to the power law to be abolished and replaced the Communist and Liberal Democracy in which the values of morality and religion, culture and traditions should be shut down and replaced to follow the authority of shamans, psychics and style live gambling and liberal lifestyle and freely without laws and constitutions. Action and the threat of kidnapping and detention of several magnifying legal authority, municipality, and the Ruler of Constitutional and some of wise men flare at that time But so grateful to the people of Indonesia and can pass the coup periods that was leading and terror by The Great Movement of Indonesia (Partai Gerakan Indonesia Raya=GERINDRA). And also no one get hurt and injury at that time. And The Bird of Pancasila can get through and glorify freely to protect how the Law of Constitutional can lead the beauty and the splendor of human value, culture and tradition so far in the splendor of emerald equator. And now on October 2014. Again the Coup of Pancasila rising by some community and particular group such as ZIONIST LATENT IN ISRAEL that want to shut down the diversity value in Israel so far and how THE LATENT OF HIZBOLLAH IN LEBANON. But a good thing those country can control with how their danger regime in their country. In fact they want to shut down the culture and tradition at their country. That any time can harm and remove their splendor as their beauty of Diversity in their country. And also in PALESTINE WITH HOW HAMAS LATENT that many time Hamas latent lead and take control the authority and municipality of Palestine and drag Palestine destiny in poorest and war lifestyle endlessly and make civil people living in perish and agony endlessly. In fact they have authority and municipality. But not so all and entirely Palestine authority was powerless and obeyed with Hamas latent regime. Till now they are living in less humanity that drag them in mindless and heartless lifestyle which is as the barbarian nation in the middle east. And it is also happening in Syria and Iraq with the regime latent of ISIS in their country. How many Jews people. But a good thing all the Jews people was leaving the Syria country and so pity that Christian of Antioch in Syria was terrorized and bombarded by ISIS in SYRIA and unfortunately we can not see anymore with how the first Christian community in Antioch of Syria site as the first glory of Christian in Antioch of Syria. And also how The some culture and particular people in Iraq was shut down without any defend of right at all and all the tomb of prophet and some particular people was shut down. And in the end of their people and their splendor in culture and tradition and how their economic and their family living in perish and agony of poor country endlessly. And now it is also is happening in Indonesia those particular people that uphold the name of THE FRONT OF ISLAM DEFENDERS| FRONT PEMBELA ISLAM (FPI). They launched their regime badly and deadly to shut down and stop and coup the white ribbon of BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA OF PANCASILA to remove and shut down the culture and tradition and all the splendor of human life in Indonesia to be one color and become the radical Islam in South East Asia that doesnt want to compromise and say NO DIVERSITY, NO CULTURE AND NO TRADITION AND NO OTHER RELIGON EXCEPT THE ISLAM AND THE REGIME ISLAM SHOULD BE AS THE FIRST LEADER IN THE SPLENDOR OF EMERALD EQUATOR. And they coup and attack the authority and the municipality of Pancasila to stop it by removing the White ribbon of Bhineka Tunggal Ika that uphold Diversity into Unity and in hoping that Indonesia is no longer and having culture and tradition and all the diversity and how the beauty of color that exist in the splendor of emerald equator. And by using only one religion and one regime of Islam and Shariah law which is no excuses at all. And not few people and all the culture and all the tradition and all the splendor and the economic Indonesia is shaking such as The Syria and Iraq that was happening. And now The Pancasila was facing this latent by The Front Pembela Islam | The Front of Islam Defender to shut down the Indonesia nation entirely is no longer in the world with all their family as Pancasila family that uphold the value of Liberty, Love, Unity, Humanity. And they will shut down and cut off all their people such as the culture, tradition and another religion who are not pro with their regime and should be converted and change the religion to be Islam. Otherwise no chance to live in Indonesia. And they will make other people will be treated such as people in Syria and Iraq by the leading of ISI, but is by The FPI. And now all the people struggling and not few the authority defender of Gov get injure and powerless and almost dying to stop their regime latent that the FPI latent want to confront and coup the White ribbon of Bhineka Tunggal Ika of PAncasila. Those value is talking about that The beauty if Diversity in Unity IS A MUST with all their culture and tradition so far in the splendor of emerald equator. BUT IT IS NO SO, because all the splendor will be shut down and no excuse that Indonesia will be regime and lead by FRONT PEMBELA ISLAM|FRONT ISLAM (FPI) DEFENDER REGIME OF LATENT AND NOT PANCASILA ANYMORE. AND NOW THE INDONESIA WILL BE FACED TO LIVE SUCH AS SYRIA AND IRAQ DESTINY BY REGIME OF FRONT PEMBELA ISLAM LATENT BY THE SHARIAH LAW WHICH IS DEATH PINALTY WHO ARE LIVING IN CULTURE, TRADTION AND ANOTHER RELIGION SO FAR EXCEPT ISLAM RELIGION AS THE REGIME OF POLICY DEADLY. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- @pyright by hes|tas| Bring Indonesia Love power for Diversity into Unity
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 20:55:00 +0000

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