THE CRITICS GO TO HELL - ANNIVERSARY MOVIE IDEA… As part of the extras for TO BOLDLY FLEE, Doug made a joke that he thought the Year Five anniversary should be that the critics end up in Hell, each having to face their own twisted variants of what Hell should be like. He immediately shrugged it off, saying that unfortunately he had no real storyline or plot to use with it. (Not to mention that he’s adamantly refusing to do another anniversary movie on that scale, which is probably a good thing since he’d likely end up killing himself in the process from stress, overwork, and self-inflicted guilt.) And yet, the more I think about it, and especially with how well so many of the TGWTG crew can do drama (Doug, Lewis, and Bennett especially, at least in my opinion)… and since there seems to be a running fan theory that the Critic “Came Back Wrong" after his sojourn in the Plot Hole… AND since Malcolm is already quite nicely established in the role of Satan… I started outlining the idea of how that story might go, from how/why they end up there to how they get themselves back out again - and what each critic’s version of Hell might be (especially in terms of a) what they review, and b) their own storylines for them’s that have them). And while I can certainly see the occasional comedic moments, I still see the TGWTG crew playing it as straight as possible. I know it’ll never get made, but *sighs* I can dream, I guess.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 02:22:04 +0000

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