THE DEATH AND THE SOUL/WHERE DO YOU GO SOON AFTER DEATH??? 1. Amost every home has experienced the death of some loved one, & because of it, the heart cry of millions all over the world is, where are our dead? In heaven? In hell? In purgatory, or limbo, some other place, are they dead? What has been done with the millions of death? You know friends, only as we get the whole story from the book of God can we know the whole truth on this very vital subject. Grabing a text here and plucking a text from over there and founding an entire doctrine on that text is one of the dangerous things a person can do, & it might cost andividual his eternal salvation. And yet its often done today, whole doctrines are based on just one verse of the bible. 2. Did you ever hear the story of the four blind men and the elephant? These four blind men were supposed to go & examine the elephant & then they were to report on its size, shape, etc. So the first one went over to the elephant and groping around caught hold of the elephants tail. Afterwards he said, my opinion is that the elephant is very much like a rope. then the next blind man had his opportunity, he happened to take hold of the elephants leg, so he said, my opinion is that the elephant is much like a log or a tree trunk. the third one had his opportunity, and he happened to lay hold of one of the elephants ears. He said, I believe the elephant is flat and limp, much like a pancake. and the last one took hold of one of the elephants tusks and he believed the elephant was hard and smooth just like a rock.. 3. Now it is methods just like these that cause the differences of opinion among scholars when it has to do with the bible doctrine, men taking one item here and one little item there and making up a whole doctrine to fit it, or settling a whole doctrine on just on little scripture, on little point, one little viewpoint, and leaving out everything else, the bible has to say about it. Now thats where people get into trouble and thats why so much confusion exists and why there are so many different opinions in this world of ours. Today we want to examine the whole truth of God on this very vital subject and get a complete picture. Now the first question well ask is this {and its the one that Job asked in Job 14:14} if a man die, shall he live again?Now theres a question that has haunted men for generations. Thats one of the oldest questions that has ever been asked. if man die, shall he live again? what about the dead? Can we expect to see them living again? Well, God gives the answer. You remember 1 Corinthians 15:16-22. How positive and clear God is when He says that the day will come when the trumpet of God shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible. 4. for if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: and if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain: ye are yet in ur sins. Then thy also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. For since by one man came death, by one man came also resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Now it tells us here in essence that Christ was risen from the dead, thus guaranteeing that all Christians who die could follow Him and be raised also from the dead. 5. But you ask, How did it all come about? What happens to man between the time he dies and the time hes raised from the dead? Lets see what God says Ill read from Ecclesiastical 12:7. This is what Solomon says; verse 7. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: the spirit shall return to God who gave it there are two things that this text nails down. Point number one, the body will return to the dust and the dust to the earth. Point number two. The spirit will return to God. Now those two things are made clear in this passage of scripture. Lets go a step further. What is the spirit, this spirit that goes back to God when a man dies? What is it? I would like to read a New Testament scripture Now and the an old Testament scripture after that. First, James 2:26. for as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. 6.Now according to this scripture, the spirit is the thing that keeps the body alive. In translating the bible, the translators were not sure just how some of these words should be placed in the scripture text. There are several meanings of some words and if there not sure, they put on word in the margin. Now the word in the margin makes it much clear to us. It says or breath and so according to this text, this spirit that goes back to God is the thing that keeps person alive and it is called also the breath. {Job 7:7} lets see if the old Testament writers agree with this.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 08:05:54 +0000

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