THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT. *IT WAS OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST ALONE WHO REALLY KNEW THE FATHER AND REVEALED HIM TO THE WHOLE WORLD, BECAUSE HE WAS GOD IN HUMAN FORM. WHEN HE WAS IN THE FLESH HE WAS THE SON. THAT IS WHY HE IS REFERRED TO AS THE SON, BECAUSE HE CAME IN THE FLESH. BUT IN THE SPIRIT, HE IS THE FATHER. YOU CLAIM TO BE A CHRISTIAN OR A MOSLEM, BUT IS YOUR LIFE PATTERN IN CONFORMITY WITH THE TEACHINGS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST? THIS IS WHAT EVERY ONE OF US SHOULD SIT DOWN AND PONDER OVER. IF THERE IS ANY PERSON WHO IS LOOKING FOR LIFE BUT DOES NOT TRUST IN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, HE CANNOT HAVE THAT LIFE. FORGET ABOUT THE CITIZENS OF SOME COUNTRIES WHO CLAIM THAT THEY DO NOT STEAL, FORNICATE, DRINK OR DO ANY EVIL THING. EVEN THOUGH THEY CLAIM TO HAVE REFRAINED FROM ALL THESE VICES, THEY ARE NOT SAVED. EVEN IF YOU DO NOT STEAL, COMMIT MURDER, BUT YOU DO NOT TRUST IN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, YOU ARE NOT SAVED. It is said that “God will teach them all things, and all those who have learnt from God will follow me.” Apart from Our Lord Jesus Christ, point out any other person, since the creation of the world, who has the expression of love. Apart from Our Lord Jesus Christ, name any other person who has been able to reveal God to all the inhabitants of the world. Abraham did not know God. Enoch did not know God. Adam did not know God. No other person knows God. IT WAS OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST ALONE WHO REALLY KNEW THE FATHER AND REVEALED HIM TO THE WHOLE WORLD, BECAUSE HE WAS GOD IN HUMAN FORM. WHEN HE WAS IN THE FLESH HE WAS THE SON. THAT IS WHY HE IS REFERRED TO AS THE SON, BECAUSE HE CAME IN THE FLESH. BUT IN THE SPIRIT, HE IS THE FATHER. This was why when Philip asked Him, “Show us the Father that it would suffice us. “Jesus said unto him, “I have been so long with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? When you see me, you see the Father. The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. If you do not believe in me, believe in the works that are manifested before you.” You cannot know God through flesh and blood but only through the manifestation of His works on earth. It is the height of insult and disgrace to refer to a certain person as God. Can you say God is as little as that man? YOU CAN SAY THAT A PARTICULAR PERSON IS A CHILD OF GOD. THIS IS HOW GOD HAS ARRANGED HIS THINGS. NOW THE HOLY SPIRIT IS HERE ON EARTH. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST BORE ELOQUENT TESTIMONY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE TESTIMONY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST HANGS ON THIS GOSPEL. The inhabitants of the world reject the fact that the HOLY SPIRIT is in existence. The reason is that the HOLY SPIRIT does not exist for them. You have heard what the Golden Text says that whoever breaks the least of these commandments, and shall teach others so to do, he shall be called least in the Kingdom of God. But whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. BY: LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR EXCERPT FROM: CHRIST’S LIFE-STYLE IS WORTHY OF EMULATION
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 22:59:05 +0000

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