THE FOLLOWING VIDEO IS A COMPILATION OF EVENTS THAT HAVE HAPPENED IN THE PAST FEW MONTHS. Events are happening faster and faster. Just today, the state of Missouri declared a state of emergency and initiated Martial Law. This is only the beginning. If you don’t know Jesus Christ, you need to get to know him NOW! According to Dr. Jack Van Impe, there are approximately, 8,352 verses of prophetic scripture listed in the Bible, containing 1,845 prophecies, all have come to pass except for about 25 major prophecies, that are in the process of being fulfilled or have yet to be fulfilled. Approximately one-third of your entire Bible is Prophecy. You will within all Bible Probability, be seeing the final fulfillment of these last few prophecies taking place within this generation – (The Final Generation). Prophecy is the source of comfort to all believers. 1 Thessalonians 4:12-18 is a great prophecy of the rapture of the Church. It concludes with, Wherefore comfort one another with these words. And in John 14:1-3 we read, Let not your heart be troubled ... I will come again. We are truly living in evil days. The world situation grows more ominous all the time. The problems facing the nations are complex and disturbing. Economic tensions, terrorism, wars, pestelences and diseases, enviromental problems, sin and crime are on the increase. It is extremely important to lead your loved ones and the people around you to Christ. If you don’t know how, please share the video entitled (THE MESSAGE) What you need to do! Posted at the top of this page. God Bless https://youtube/watch?v=nFQmDODuxNs
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 23:23:13 +0000

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