THE GOVERNMENT BUSINESS AND ITS PROTECTION AND TRENDS||| which way KAMPALA CAPITAL CITY AUTHORITY The Government of the Republic of Uganda can only get its Revenues when its organized and any BARRIER in its ability to get descent income through taxation and by public Order Peace and Stability through this increasing number of TOURISTS can be seen in our Country in various Hotels••• 3/4 of Government come from a quarter of big institutions Tourism at a Billion Dollar quoting President Museveni Verbatim and the other is Tax Collection from the City of the two TARGET areas have been affected and Government in its own means must ensure the BARRIERS or NOISE is fully removed||||The Business Law specified cannot be redefined Ceteris Paribus•••• To us who are Business Technicians we do not to Support Executive Director Ms Musisi nor demean Hon. Lukwago or become politicians and besides Not jargons of Law cannot be defined interfere in this Government Move to make Receipts given the Programmed flow•The Budget was very tight last June reading so any body in the way of this Iam afraid may find a lot of problems if you are given Public Trust•••• Definitely a lot of emotions may be high in the process but setting up STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENTS causal and effect will push away Local Politics seemingly in a tired Community which expects people and such officials after being given their Salaries well over 20 Million per month the next step is co operation and progress•••• These strong Economic Pillars of Government like URA,KCCA,CAA etc are already showing that they are able to tool up and do their activities with or without Politics so GLOBALIZATION forces setting in local politics is loosing its face so if you are on Uganda soil swimming in waters of such politics like the young man I saw writing abusive words on Madam Judith Nabakoba important Statement these are few points I can give you below and never the less some of us we may not be party of such political Aspirations but We can Give A BIRD EYES VIEW IN THE TREE especially on Business trends of which KCCA is an integral part as its Gradients Tending to the Requirements of IMF and World Bank spinning its self as a SUCCESS Story••• Now that it has already reached Break Even Point and its workers Motivated and not COMPETING if you like other areas now are COMPLEMENTARY set to adopt trends of GLOBALISATION•••• Today before you write too much to international community or other wise take broad steps note that Such Countries like Italy by March this year 2013,Cyprus,SPAIN,GREECE are moving tight rope on their Economies though I may not give you the figures you can Google to include New European Union States now its people doing the Odd Jobs you earlier ran to Europe for next time you write those funds can as well go to such economies for ever||||Its your Duty as Opposition to improve your Standards of Service delivery but if you are there stifling peoples Businesses as IGP Gen. Kaihura may not allow Uganda become Banana Republic or Pyjama Republic get to Vegetable like Egypt now you better pull up your Socks to ensure Prudent Performance through accountability of Government Expenditure••••The President can only APPOINT a single Ugandan at a go who by virtual of his OFFICE must perform I do not think he will come chasing people up to their Residences because evils manifests them selves from Amins RIP Magendo&Black Market to Obote II RIP Selling Air” todate “CORRUPTION or KITTU KIDOGO....Some thing For Some thing that mans Lyric song goes” the evil is with you and with Ugandans so its our Duty to fight it before it eats into the core of own society ,you out to fight it and fight |||Keep on Keeping brothers and sisters so lets LOVE OUR COUNTR and be committed to it and reduce the VICE through •••STRICT BARAZAS •••STRICT PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTE that must have around them Chartered Accountants and Marketers ,Auditors so that the Budgets Presented are scrutinized very fast ,sanctioned and followed up with the Help of PPDA this time must do several market Survey to pick on prices like what Uganda Revenue Does it goes to Dubai so that the tenders gather more meaning instead of blaming Procurement Officers all the time and get Shocking Reports all the time so that can improve on Credibility and Prudence of what we do rather Wait for Mr• Mwanga Audit Report Report so many issues are worked on even faster• The best you can do is to contribute to your STATE but my Brothers and My Sisters do not sleep Do Some thing on your own Instead of Abusing Our Police you can do a lot •••• Local Politics in the face of dynamics of GLOBALISATION sweeping across Africa the Presidents of East Africa from Burundi to Rwanda,South Sudan to Tanzania. From Kenya to Somalia as formalities boarders are being opened as to allow freedom of movement of Labor and other improvements as already clarified in East African Protocols embraced by all our leaders and by July they are looking at opening Boarders with South Africa creating a ONE TRILLION DOLLAR INCOME per year the sky will soon be the limit•••Do not wait for Leaders telling you they wants to die for you but listen to him but take points that can build you and instead of putting your city on fire as Police is saying will only increase suffering for Ugandans•••Get access to group Micro finance loans and open up and work because its the only way to life••• Even if you talk of only Ugandans some time had STUDIED HUMANITIES or ARTS/SOCIAL Sciences the Government cannot lay off Ugandans but Slowly with 70% on Education President Museveni is emphasizing Practical Science Subjects to turn around the Society and Affirmative Action of Vulnerable members of Society like the Girl Child and Youth but this brings out a very large number of Educated Scholars for which jobs the Government cannot Create that is which the President shows frowns when you talk of Minimum wage because your sister,Brother or Cousin has not got the job so the Government is making all sacrifices to bring in Investors at least to reduce such numbers|||Private Companies that are credible taking the people to Dubai are few and initial figure is still high to go so more to this its real to be Creative though||| Eliminating all the barriers is gradual and not an event people should not give others false hopes but rather assist in creating an AMICABLE ENVIRONMENT RATHER THAN CREATING TENSION IN SOCIETY
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 09:36:29 +0000

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