: [THE HOLY BIBLE & MARRIAGE] HEADLINE: BIBLICAL MARRIAGE - I DONT THINK IT MEANS WHAT YOU THINK IT MEANS I think its so interesting that modern Christians have bought into this Dominion Theology that tries to hold authority over the secular, civil law; without regard for the separation of church and state. When JESUS told HIS Student to render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, HE never advocated trying to force a religious standard on people beyond the confines of HIS belief system; people who - according to the Orthodox Christian paradigm - cant perceive spiritual matters. For the Christian, marriage is outlined fairly specifically; for the Christian, not for the world within which he or she lives. For the world around the Christian, there is a different standard; a broader standard. Thats why I love this Article; the writer [JENNIFER G. BYRD] highlights just how flawed modern Christian core beliefs and dogma are. We cherry pick the Bible according to how American Imperialism and American Culture have dictated for us to interpret and apply the Bible [this mode of programming was accomplished - by Americas Capitalist Class Conservative Christians - between 1840 & 1890]; and now, many of our people are trying to PROTECT that brainwashing, instead of RE-EXAMINING the HOLY BIBLE, to make sure that there is no error in the interpretation of some of the accepted traditions. A lot of our peers are bringing their preconceived ideas and core beliefs to the BIBLE and trying to find Scripture to co-sign the beliefs they had BEFOREHAND; instead of carefully reading and studying the Scriptures to - then; afterward - form an opinion and develop doctrine based on what the Scriptures convey. People have made up their own brands of CHRISTIANITY; and are trying to force their FLAWED, FALSE, CULTIST CORE BELIFS and DOGMA onto other people! #Insanity END
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 19:15:40 +0000

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