THE INVITATION.... Now, here I am . . . here I have been and I - TopicsExpress


THE INVITATION.... Now, here I am . . . here I have been and I have been speaking with you through Paul in this way for many years. What is my purpose? My purpose is to invite you back Home – to remind you of Home and to share with you the means of returning. And in all respects, in order to return home there are some basic changes that need to occur. And all of those changes are mental, all of those changes . . . um-m . . . involve the abandoning of false concepts – of beliefs that are false – and replacing them with perceptions that are true. Now the nature of Home – the nature of the Kingdom of Heaven – is Love and peace and life and truth. Anyone coming Home from their time off as a prodigal Son or Daughter must allow his or her mind to begin to be in harmony with the nature of the destination. And so, selfishness, greed, egotism, jealousy . . . all of these things that all of you employ at one time or another in order to maintain your balance, in order to control the situation so you’re half way safe, all of these things must yield to other things. Jealousy must yield to Love. Limitation must yield to the embrace and acceptance of abundance. Not because it’s deserved or earned, but because it’s the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. Not just everything you might need, but all that is. Now, if I were to relate to you and share what I’m sharing with you, and if the sharing were charged for, if there were a price put on it and you could not have it if you could not pay the price, then I would not be teaching you how to have a new mindset that would put you in harmony with the destination you’re headed for. The only way you can come Home is if you understand the meaning of Gift. Because until you understand the meaning of Gift you will cling to “getting.” You will cling to having getting this for that – an exchange instead of a wholeness shared. And until this “growing up” I’m going to call it, occurs, until this level of maturity kicks in, you will not be able to come Home. You will still be operating as an independent agent among other independent agents. And you will all barter with each other and fight with each other over how to have the most that you think you need to have in order to get to the place that’s important. I cannot teach you how to come Home without teaching you how to grow up – how to shift into the attitude of giving. Now there is a new paradigm of economics manifesting on your planet among your economists and your forward thinking professors in the Universities. It is showing up in the way musical artists are sharing their work instead of going through the normal channels of contracts and guarantees and manipulation of the market by raising or lowering the prices on the musical products. And it’s having an effect. In actuality, it is causing some upheaval because those who are caught up in the old paradigm who are still committed to it, cannot see how there could be equity when control isn’t being exercised. And yet, that’s the only way equity can be arrived at. What does this mean? It means that those who are faced with the imminence of change are going to have to stop griping about the new way to experience equity, which they can’t understand . . . and explore it . . . be quiet with it so that they might begin to understand how it works at the level of Love. It indeed requires re-education, because in order for it to work, people are going to have to begin to care about what they haven’t bothered to care about before. When a price is put on an item and you know you must pay the price before you can have the item and you’re obedient to that structure, it never occurs to you to bring love into it because love isn’t required. But in order for everyone to come back Home, to “get back into the Kingdom of Heaven,” the shift from getting to giving has to occur. And along with it has to come the grasping of how that works and what the meaning of things is in that paradigm. And so, one has to look and somehow recognize – if I’m not here to share it with you – somehow recognize that the element that has to be brought into play is Love. Umm . . . what does that mean? It means involvement. It means coming back into the true understanding of Family and of Brotherhood, where the motive for your behavior with each other is not self-defense, but the sharing of optimal infinite wholeness. Why? Not so that you can get. But because it’s your nature to do that and as the Presence of Love, it’s natural for you to do that. And when you naturally do it because you’ve adopted that as normalcy, the manifestation of Wholeness appears. And it appears in a context of intimacy, of Family, of Brotherhood.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 06:13:04 +0000

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