THE LAND WE CALL HOME BY THE WAY Thoughts from Sharon Wyatt You have heard it said, home is where the heart is. And there are other slogans such as, every man’s home is his castle, home sweet home, there is no place like home, any place I hang my hat is home, and it isn’t much, but it’s my home. All of this pertains to our dwellings, humble or opulent as they may be, it’s the abode that protects us from wind and weather and usually has a mortgage or rent due each month. We accept the fact that there are expenses for the upkeep to maintain and care for those four, or more walls and the roofs over our heads, and we pray God protects it all. The chances are there is garden space around it that needs looking after on a continuous basis. We do our best to protect our residences, our private sanctuaries, from countless perils that threaten these domains we call ‘the place where we live.’ Oh, yes that structure is indeed where hopefully you spend a lot of your time and have about you your necessities and belongings…but it isn’t your only home. Your country is also your home, your homeland. Within it’s boundaries you are protected by the governing forces engaged in keeping you safe and free. Laws and regulations, rules and legislations are put into effect making living there a very good place. Granted every land and home has its ups and downs, its good times and its bad, when things need looking after and changes must be made. We pray those changes are not disruptive and made by fools. Just as with our private dwellings a country has its own issues. When things are not looking too promising, it is not the time to turn away from the problem, neglect is not the answer to making things better. So, turning your head away from the situations that will no doubt arise in one’s country, is not going to improve the existing conditions in the lay of the land. As with a home, one must be diligent as to how things stand, and begin straight away rectifying the pressing matters that need to be dealt with. If left to go on too long the expense will most likely be prohibitive and perhaps irreversible, irreconcilable, destructive and damaging, even bankrupting. Yes, home IS where the heart is, so be good stewards of your home and of the homeland you love. Safeguard it and help make it the best it can be, a place to be admired, enjoyed and respected. Many have fought hard and sacrificed to make the country free and to protect those within. This is your country and your home. Appreciate all the God given beauty and nature, for caring for treasured places and beloved scenery. Thank Heaven for the blessings, and do all you can to keep any evil from invading the sanctity of this place you call home. Praise The Father for your liberty and protect it with all of your might. Pray God is with you as you face any adverse circumstances. Ask Him daily to bless your home and your country. He has been there so far, and we need to recognize that fact, and give thanks and glory to Him. Under the favor of Almighty God, you have become a nation blessed with a celestial gift…freedom. Hold on to it tenaciously, never letting go and always living By The Way.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 21:22:18 +0000

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