THE MAPS, THE DRUMS and THE FANS: Part 4 (Suspected Mimicry and - TopicsExpress


THE MAPS, THE DRUMS and THE FANS: Part 4 (Suspected Mimicry and Enactment of the MDF Pressed Wood Series) By: Michael Adigun-Kings (16th October, 2014) ................................................................................................................. Content: 7). The Brainardville Agenda 7.a). SPA7.b). The Planed Protectorate of NB (Nigeria Benin-Republic) 7c).The SHInE-EnshI Protest 8). NEW SOCIAL POLICIES ARE INEVITABLY REQUIRED i). Misinterpretations and Pronunciations (Homonymic MAP) ii). Mormons and Pronunciation (Denomination MAP) MATTERS ARISING or CRISIS BREWING: MAPPING PRONOUNCIATION | MORMON 8a). Connecting The Dots 8b). BOSTON | MIT | OLYMPIC SELECTION COUNTRIES | ABENOMICS (revisited) 8c). My Home Town 8d). Part of Our Tribal Heritage 8e). Is Taking offence worth it? 9). Multiple and Plural – Another MAP (relative to the IRDETO Crisis) 10). Mayweather and Pacquiao (one more additional ‘’Map’’) 11). Tide and Market Affairs: THE GANGAN and THE TAMA CORRELATION 12). Levy Et AL – Another Source of their insanity is uncovered ................................................................................................................. 7). THE BRAINARDVILLE AGENDA: NEW-TOWNS | NEW CITY | NEW COUNTRY 7.a). SPA That utterance of the SPA word relative to the Belgian Circuit and the township is suspected (as you have gathered) as an alibi. That the real intention behind providing such alibi’s were because several organizations, fraternities, movements, bodies and most likely some ‘’underworld’’ related idealist, has assumed themselves of being capable to redraw new maps of our planet. As such that we have uncovered that such ideas as ‘’Popeville’’, Huntville, Bombayville, BrandonVille, and a host of primitive outdated ideas were being retorted to, or were being contemplated. See attached web link page: historicmapworks/…/Bombay,+Goodwins+Mill,+B…/ 7.b). The Planed Protectorate of NB (Nigeria Benin-Republic) The allegedly acclaimed ‘’Togo-Benin Deal’’ is to be understood to be a false and supposedly a make-belief interpretation of the intents, to premise an illegal incursion into the territories of other nations, as if it were to be that simple. Unknown to the conceivers that such was the way through which an all-out major war (that is supported and backed by various protectorates) can break out. The art of basing un-informed policy decisions on random photos that have not been qualified should be desisted. For, it is that simple for any babel-trouble maker, to conceive such ideas that is similar to that which (thank goodness and common sense is now almost resolved) led to the Ukrainian Crisis that surrounds the shape ‘’Sea of Azov’’ which was in the shape of a ‘’Finger-pointing’’ as was briefly addressed in my informal memo: ‘’The prevailing Art of Finger Pointing’’ – 11th May, 2014. I must state that the abbreviation for of the Said sea (SOA) was also probably responsible for some STD inclination by those ‘’LAY’’ number runners. See what Babel-trouble can cause? (We have uncovered that an ideation of an incursion via a flagship Town of Benin-Republic known as ‘’ KOKORO’’ was planned. Please note that KOKORO in Nigerian Yoruba Language if translated to English means ‘’KEY’’. The second disturbing fact was that a protracted conflict was flagged last year in one of my think-tank analysis session. One was unable to imagine the scale at that time. As at the time of writing this piece, it has become clear that a “protracted plotting of a triangulated nature’’ was planned around several Townships of the Republic of Benin. I notion which must be immediately HALTED. A bad development that calls for attention to be raised against such ideas spreading. It did not surprise to uncover that such ideas were also being projected towards the African Landscape. As if it were just that simple. We understand that some lobbies and lobbyists exist here in the west, with the hopes that they can brainwash people to become so inclined as to think that because Africa’s most registered protest was her being carved up by the ‘’Protectorates’’, while the pre and post 1914 agenda endured through the years. Which has somewhat even until recently has been criticized as the most serious inception of the African problems. While recognizing that no quick fixes can be forced on the current situation as they are at this moment; the challenges on the ground are enormous. The only possible approach for say, any such ideological or revolutionary moves was to lobby the locals to chum the idea, while considering affording the an open opportunity to decide what their preferences are, through a proper ‘’Plebian Referendum’, which should be what such promise land should be based. A decision, suggestive in the manner, form and direction which the Scotts and other peace loving nations have had to decided. It is a shame to have noticed according to the projections and pictures provided in the herewith attached images; that such contemplations as having some axis of the Protractor and Lens Axis of the ‘’Republic of Benin’’ and the Federal republic of Nigeria, carved out. We must state clearly that such carving or idealism regarding to the Kokoro, Suya, Save, Aledjo areas of Benin republic, and ‘’Ishehin-Shaki-Suya Nagogo Forest’’ AXIS of The Federal Republic of Nigeria, will not be tolerated. These are not acceptable. We do recognize the facts that names, and homonymic interpretations could have resulted in the mix-ups that are probably leading to such overzealous ideas. We must however warn, that incursion into other sovereign nations and territories with any such intent as illegally re-drawing maps, as have been investigatively uncovered to have been projected (as herewith attached in the image) would culminate to, and be construed as an act which could lead to war, and to the breach of peace. One understands that several premise were given to all the various movements and unions whose presumption was that a country of theirs must be created, or acquired, or forcefully seized; we must reinforce our warnings that such ideas should be seriously considered before being cultivated or engaged. Has anyone considered the degree of illegality of drawing up such ideas? Or the consequence of the rule of precedence? Of exponential multiplicity? Not to speak of a war that may breakout and spread faster beyond such African territories? If at all any change or dis-amalgamations were to occur, the people of the land should have the final say. A proper referendum is a more appropriate measure of indication and receptiveness. Africa cannot be retorted to the ‘’Australian type of takeovers’’; which even to some extent had called for referendums, which were instrumental for any such expeditious maneuver to ever come to fruition. This topic was what my articles in the ‘’Shine-Enshi series’’ were all about. Whereas, my intent and task was to recode the words as having been projected to denote meanings which only the observant would understand. ……………………………………………………………………………………… 7c).The SHInE-EnshI Protest That, under no circumstance should any person, race, creed or tribe, solicit that another’s territory be taken, occupied, seized or be incurs upon. As either as a trade-off for another exchange; or, as decisions Bourne out of mischief; or distress; or acts which were consistently reported as being a resultant of ‘’torturous’’ activities. Similar to those culminating from scenarios that are mirrored from that dreaded ‘’1984’’ (The Orwellian Doctrine playbook). Those kind of thought-crimes oriented punishments that pushes people to nominate others whom they may not have taken likeness of, to be equally tortured, or subjected to being treated bad, or to have their land incurs upon, due to not wanting to be so dispensed and disposed, or to be subjected to further of such treatments, is the essence of the warnings that my article: WE Forbid! –(Part 1 to 4 {26th August, 2014}). No decision taken out of such ‘’duress driven influence’’ (DDI) has any chance of success. For it would only create more victims, and those victims might also want revenge someday. So; there you go! Congratulations. You would have created a world of victims, vindictiveness and vicious cycle. SHInE-EnshI: The meaning Explained:: Where in Hausa language, the following were deduced: KAI means TAKE SHI Means IT NE means That Hence, my recoding is as follows: TakeIT or TakeThat | ITThat | ThatIT SHINE-ENSHI | THATIT-ITTHAT Whereas, the discovery was yet again that the values for which such agendas were based was relatively dependent on values that were randomly ‘’mined and plucked’’ off the internet pages. Where my concerns were raised as depicted in my warning articles and Memo: a). The prevailing art of finger pointing (11th Of May, 2014). b). The Grounding of the ShiNe-Enshi Sledgehammer – Part 1: 01st of July, 2014 and Part 2; 3; and 4 on 11th July, 2014. ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8). NEW SOCIAL POLICIES ARE INEVITABLY REQUIRED i). Misinterpretations and Pronunciations (Homonymic MAP) ii). Mormons and Pronunciation (Denomination MAP) iii). MIT and the Pronunciation MATTERS ARISING or CRISIS BREWING: MAPING | PRONOUNCIATION | MORMON 8a). Connecting The Dots: With reminiscence, I could also correlate the M3 inference to connect a dot. Especially to that of my relation with Dirk Gorter (‘’All Dots Graphic Designer Associate’’). Whom I had dealing with while being self-employed between 2004 and 2007 relative to my ‘print and promotion materials’ for my business. Whom I later observed as either being ‘’railed’’ without suspecting it, or that he had been up to something. Having noticed him to have shared an office with another associate of his: a company called ‘’MOJITO’’, at the so called M3 Campus in Almere de Vaart, in 2008, for he was then helpful in facilitating some print materials that I’d used for promotion, while attending the Hannover Exhibition in 2010. One cannot but question (without alleging if he was aware if he was being railed); or, that his relocation is nothing than just a business decision. Although, one must be careful; I quite remember him stressing that I must write all my plans and ideas down. There seem to be some strong focus on his finding resonation then with the usage of the word ‘’Crowd sourcing’’. Which would not attract any sensitivity for his field of ‘’Graphic Design’’ is quite readily synonymous with such renditions. However; I must still evaluate his case owing to the fact that his business is now located next to the Almere Muziekwijk Police station, which is right next to the Building that also houses the ‘’MIT Electro Technique’’. ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8b). BOSTON | MIT | OLYMPIC SELECTION COUNTRIES | ABENOMICS (revisited): One must not also forget that annoying Boston 2013 marathon incidence, and how a link was almost made to one’s address unsuspectingly, whose details, you can review in my article ‘’The Vindication’’ - Part 3 ({21st/May/2014} {See Sections Parts B to D5}). Some faint suspicion still exist though; especially regarding the fact that I have spotted the MIT Electro-Technic’ Van and Personnel working (on several occasions) at the Terminals of the Aurora School, at Aprilstraat 105. With all the mix-ups that one has noticed and experienced; as being prevalent around this city, the Aurora School in Aprilstraat; as correlative to the Aurora Colorado School Shootings; the name (New Town Chinese Restaurant, as correlative to the events of the School shooting in New Town, in the USA); I am sure you would not blame me for observing my boundaries and acknowledging the need to becoming inevitably extra-ordinarily careful. It is not out of fear, but of ‘’diligence’’. Not to also speak of the fact that MIT as an acronym is synonymous with SLOAN, BOSTON and Mr. Romney (if poorly pronounced). One hopes that no one is yet again attempting to mix, join-issues; fuel another crisis of ‘’revengefulness’’; which is probably also in line with the mispronunciations that is common in Nigeria, but which is confused with Mormonism. The west does not understand the true effects of having systematically curtailed Africa’s progress in the last 5 decades, were it not the intervention of the Chinese whom we should be thankful, for making technologies, gadgets, and information and communication tools more affordable. We all follow what is happening around the world, while sharing and learning new ways and new things: like with other languages; of speaking, reading; learning; socializing, interacting, connecting and correcting mistakes; I must say that it comes equally with some doses of rebellion and challenges, which will always require supplementation to douse. It will require some time before most of the misconceived crimes of ignorance are corrected. Take for example; that pronunciations of certain words, are not as easily adoptive by certain tribes, or certain people depending on receptiveness, syntax, literary aesthetics and well-fortified primary education; than for parental or cultural intercepts to be blamed for ineptitude. Owing also, to the difficulty that it entails if such words have to require certain syntax, stressing and intonations. Example can be revisited in the LETHAL WEAPON movie by (Mr. Gibson and Mr. Glover), where Uncle Benny was able to pronounce the ‘’R’’ as in Rice. This is also very common in Africa, depending also on tribes, and the reason that were afore mentioned. Whereas, depending obviously on the perspective and propensity to be angered by such insensitivity; you would say that Uncle Benny’s attempt to even respond with a deservedly asked-for ‘’word’’ made things even more complicated, its like the POMO rule, PLUS one, Minus One. See: youtube/watch?v=rKCvz0qivXQ I must state that I know why some people said in 2008 that they were going to do a ‘’see through mirror’’ in 2009. ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8c). My Home Town Let me make this a little interesting. I am of Nigerian Origin; I may yet struggle with the construction of the English language a times. It is not that I could not strive to perfect it, but without excusing, I have been in hibernated mode from literary related activities, for some number of years. I may now accept, or even deem myself, as being lazy a times as to want to invest time to polish some areas that would benefit such desired improvements. You can attribute being lax to fatigue, which obviously requires some time to recover and regain the energies. My city of origin is satirically known to partly struggle at times with the ability to pronounce the ‘’sh’’ words in English. English is to us a ‘’Colonial Language’’ that must inevitably have to live with as an official language while a local tribal language is equally as literally rich. The ‘’SH’’ word was sometimes pronounced as ‘’s’’ like with the CUSHION CHAIR as an example, which would amaze some people and would sometimes satirically invite some sort of dissing by those who deem themselves better at pronouncing it, whereas, could be equally diminutive at pronouncing the ‘’R’’. Every human being has a diminution of some sort. Majority of the Third world have formulated ways through which they communicate in yet again simplified but layered language contexts. The Nigerian Pigeon English (known as Broken English is one of such. It is regarded as a form of Patuá; which, according to The Free Dictionary is a result of changes in syntax, usage, grammar, vocabulary: encyclopedia.thefreedictionary/Patua) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8d). Part of Our Tribal Heritage: Another important area of our African culture was that of Tribal Markings. It however does not occur to some people that it might really lead to animosity if the types of jokes (although) originating from the locals, are misconceived and misrepresented to become ignorantly disrespecting to those bearing such noble and esteemed representation of our traditional heritage. Is the saying not, one man’s food; another’s poison? And, also the fact that Marks were always given to people at early childhood age. We can all appreciate that civilization has helped us with foreseeing that some attributes of our culture and tradition might require evolving. As such, that the new generations, and those of the future, who may have to compete in the global market place for business, economic sustenance, trade, social competence, peaceful advocacy, and international representation of their creed, race and tribe in ambassadorial and diplomatic capacities, may not be hampered, or treated differently by any reason, or by any virtue, in any way, as to not having to be responsible defending sensitive areas that may not really be necessary. I must state this because it was an experience that I was confronted on several occasions to explain why such situations and practices persist in our culture. While those asking are not as exposed to our history, or our heritage. I have heard the opportunity to travel across some other countries in the Sahelian Sahara, and I must tell you that I have seen quite as much of diverse depth that goes even further than those which others might was to pick on, just for that sake alone. Having recognized that any culture can pick on what they deem or perceive as not befitting from their own point of view, on another culture’s prideful observation and procession; which for me, so long as such practices does not represent any danger to human life, then I should be happy to remind those provocateurs that it is likewise vice versa! No culture is perfect. Nobody is perfect. It is only God that is perfect and we all hope and pray that he shall continue to bless us with wisdom to be able to tackle these sensitive affairs. The dilemma is always having to look for excuses that are very difficult to sell, but which at the same time might offend our people from back home if one is not careful. I would say that there is no one good answer for any of the situations. We cannot blame parents that were then observing an important attribute of their cultural heritage. Although, we know that our societies are evolving, and yet we have been blessed with elders and elites who knew how to help us understand and to cherish, and still respect some of those ‘’noble’’ practices that have characterized part of our longtime social-cultural, and traditional aesthetics. ……………………………………………………………………………………… 8e). Is Taking offence worth it? Therefore, I would ask whoever was intending to take some offence of this innocence; to take a few steps back and have some consideration that infrastructure may not have been in place (THEN) to have facilitated the positive evolution like would have been desirably acceptable. Nevertheless, things are changing. At least, I have been privileged to observe the contrasts with how bad it used to be, or perceived to be, compared to how it now is. While I must acknowledge and thank another esteemed friend of ours who reminded us of such need to re-iterate the need for change of our attitude. The problem is definitely complex in nature, owing to the speed and degrees at which adoption and amplification occurs, but which one believes that such desired positive and future change can take exponentially flight and adopted, if the message starts to go around, while being supported by the elites and the elders. It is understood that animosity could easily build without even those who are perceived of the offence knowing it. Having realized that such issues may require more attention than had been dedicated; had I decided in June, 2014 to raise awareness again as can be reviewed in my article: Babel Misinterpretations and Homonymic Pronunciations – 18th June, 2014). I am hopeful that with this sort of effort and support by every well-meaning partner would trigger that sort of desired change, which will only help make our societies better places to live in. ……………………………………………………………………………………… 9). Multiple and Plural – Another MAP (relative to the IRDETO Crisis) I must once again invite you to revisit my last Article as regards the Irdeto Crisis situation, where I’d highlighted an attempt by one of the trouble-makers, in the person of DOLORES BAROLO in that meeting was attempting to make a link with her being of Italian Origin, whereas it was all a lie. A point of convergence that has emerged as the motive and confirmation that such ‘crisis’’ where as a result of ‘’office-occult-followership’’ was the fact that my further research has revealed an attempt to associate the ‘’French word’’ ET AL in all its ‘’renditions, interpretations and ramifications’’ (RIR), with a disguised distortion as to warrant them not wanting to answer for their ‘’dumbness and stupidity’’. While it has been uncovered, that such MISCHA RIRING of the ET AL word has inclinations towards the Feminine and Masculine usage. A point which further supports the ‘’craze’’ surrounding Victoria Addy Jelsma’s inability to reflect yet again on the sensibility of what to ask and not to ask your colleague. Even if you are ‘‘Confused’’ of words and names. The second dimension to this, which is of relative high importance to the ‘’context of contention’’ is the fact that such MISCHA RIRING usage of ET AL can also have ‘’Multiplicity and Pluralism’’ (another MAP) as an inclination. MISCHA RIRING Examples: It must be noted that upon further analysis and investigation, one has further confirmed that the Dutch interpretation (Translation) of the French Word ‘’ ET AL’’ refers to ‘’Market Stalls, Booths and Stands’’. ………………………………………………………… LEVY Et AL : The Broken Dyke Levy ET AL = Market Stall = Booth : Stand Etalii = Masculine and Plural ET ALae Et alIA ……………………………………………………………………………………… 10). Mayweather and Pacquiao (one more additional ‘’Map’’) This is relative to the planned May 2015 fight between Mr. Mayweather and Mr. Pacquiao. I cannot make inference on this, than just to acknowledge that this is another MAP denotation. I am quite glad that Mr. Mayweather did manage to drop the MPR abbreviation after all. I was not intending to be ‘’That Rude’’ but I had to get your attention. Thank goodness, that someone read that memo! It was the initial version of ‘’(The Replication: 25th March, 2014 _ With the Accounting book image). theepochtimes/…/958481-manny-pacquiao-next-…/ ……………………………………………………………………………………… 11). Tide and Market Affairs: THE GANGAN and THE TAMA CORRELATION In reminiscing the literature text book that I had the opportunity to have been tutored on, by some excellent extra-ordinary teachers at both my Primary and Secondaty education at the Army Children School and the Army Day secondary School, in Ibadan. I must touch a specific area that brings my education at the UNIGRAMS School in Ilesa (UNITED Anglican Methodist Grammar School, Ijofi Street, Ilesa) to repute; I must give credence as always to those inspiring teachers. The resonance that I’d carried all along from those literature books still reminds me that I could still do well with finding part of my core in such arts. Although; at the time did not seem like a serious subject of main interests; but for the sakes of the competition for grades and top positions with the likes of my former school and classmates mates, and relatives and friends, namely: Ajetunmobi Tope; Busuyi Oni; Busuyi Aderibigbe; Ade Obembe; Nike Adejobi; Olaitan Oyeleye; Wale Oyeleye; Roseline Anthony; (*) , Sunday Ajibade; Jumoke, Tunde Oguntoyinbo; Sanmi Oke; Bukola Adelugba; and a host of other extraordinarily smart, talented and intelligent people that I am sure have all grown up to be thankful for whatever mix-bag life has thrown at them. I think I might have gotten suckered-in to the ‘’resonance’’ of some stories in my literatures of the then 1987 and 1988 years, that even after some 25years still lingers in my memories. I must, for the very first time in my life express regrets with the way that things turned out between us owing to some act of foolishness. Such is the misfortunes of having been of a flexible childhood environment where you may not have control over when to you’ve to move back and forth, from location to location, but which without the experience; I might not have met her. And yet, still messed up that opportunity to have made the right connection when that time mattered, in the 1990. Maybe the reason is this? Maybe the reason is now. Lord knows how much had been held against me for having being consciously and subconsciously broken some girl’s heart (being ego-driven and sometimes innocent henceforth). It does hurt to now reflect on those missed opportunities. Opportunities of getting to know some of the smartest people I would have ever been privileged to meet. I’m always hoping and looking forward someday to some reunion. ‘’Tide and Market; they come and go, and so shall your ……..’’! Such is one of those sentences that had resonated for some 25years. I have now managed to retrace which literature it was for the first time in 25 years and I am amazed to have found it. Here’s the link to the site where I’d finally found it: cafeafricana/Poetry.html …………………………………………………… Streamside Exchange Child: River bird, river bird, Sitting all day long On hook over grass, River bird, river bird, Sing to me a song Of all that pass And say, will mother come back today? Bird: You cannot know And should not bother; Tide and market come and go And so shall your mother, By: J.P. Clark | John Pepper Clark. cafeafricana/Poetry.html …………………………………………………… I’d even attempted over the years to write, or infuse that line into some ‘’primitively unripen’’ lyrics of mine, that I’d sometimes want to wish were perfectly rhymed. However, such infusions were just behind of time, while majority of other things that I had engaged where ahead of time. I’m certain that the context were always the difficult part to conceive while those infusions where attempted. On the other hand, I may just have become matured enough to understand that feelings also play roles in writing songs. If feelings are missing, the end-products might not be ‘’up to scratch’’. If I fast forward to present day; would I have written a better infusion if I were to attempt a reasonable conjuring of a good song score (in a peaceful state)? Perhaps! Music and singing were just another way for me to amuse myself. Let’s get back to business. The thing to first tackle is why the TAMA (Talking Drum, Gambian Version) was again looping-back even though I’d thought that the ‘’Cycle of Interceptions’’ were already complete. Owing to the fact that I’d started the DRUM SEQUENCE with the inception of my attempt at re-launching and reviving the famous 1960’s ‘‘Gangan Night Club’’ (at Lafia Hotel, Apata Ibadan, in 1996),for a duration of six months. This was prior to embarking on the journey through the ‘’Mild-Saharan’’ terrain of the ‘’River Niger Axis’’ (RNA), to the Imperial Capitals and Ancient cities of the ‘’Sahelian-Sahara’’. The highlights of that story as can be revisited in my articles: ‘’A Medley of Alphabet Crimes’’: Part 2 (10th june, 2014) and also as detailed in my article: Saplica (The Safety Catch) – (({Part 6 and Part 4} – 22nd April, 2014)). My assignment then was to observe and report certain disappearing acts that were rumored to occur on those routes, although, it was a supplementary task that was by chance offered me, while the aim was to leave Nigeria and see what is outside its borders. In following the schemes that additional credentials can provide some sort of cover, in-case one is in dire-situations; we were provided with what I would assume now as qualifying for asylum premise of some sort. It was said that asylum might be a sort of last and only resort; only in the case that one might be stick in situations that are dire. I could remember that those who knew how those routes work had also presented some sort of ‘’phantom’’ news-paper clipping cover ideas to the people who make such covers. It was understood that the newspaper clippings are fake, and are meant to just provide a validation of the cover credentials in case an asylum must be sought , whereas the grounds for such claims then would have been validated. I never really needed to use that option, as I could remember being relieved of it at the Korni Borders crossing of Sokoto State in Nigeria by some Police and Immigration and Border security officers. The only document that we later were allowed to take was the cover credentials. I could remember that the newspaper clippings were a photocopied transposition and phantom insertion into a newspaper editorial. An additional undercover-credentials that never even left Nigeria. Majority of those border crossing credentials were not really needed afterwards, as I’d seen that they led to complicity and several potential time wasting border detentions, which later prompted me to destroy and dump them. If I recall quite well, I think the under-cover story was that we were some sort of ‘’Student activists’’ and were alleged to be fleeing the then Military Administration of General Sani Abacha. The caption was also ironically titled as ‘’WANTED’’. Which somehow falls in line with the relatively annoying provocative instances that were depicted of this topic in context in my last Article: The Replication – Part 3 section 17c (5th October, 2014). I had returned one year later to Nigeria to acquire proper documents that are valid, and are verified, detailed, corroborated and attested to by several Ministries and governmental entities both in Nigeria and in The Netherlands. However, you may wish to follow the summarized version of my Sahelian Sub-Sahara trip by revisiting my articles: SAPLICA (Part 1 to Part 9), 22nd April, 2014. The convergence of this story is having intercepted with ‘’Patrick Vinai’’ (Whom I knew simply as Patrick, but we had a good cordial musically entrenched relationship while we were in the Gambia. He’d been busy with at the time busy with a Legal Suit with regards the insolvency of their then News Paper Enterprise ‘’TAMA’’, which he claimed as being a major share holder to, and was already in court prior to my arriving in The Gambia in 1996. Coincidentally, the Tama is also a name for their own version of ‘’The Talking Drum’’, whereas in Nigeria, the Gangan is our own Talking Drum. Do not forget that my inception on this Talking Drum {GanGan} started from 1996, in Apata Ibadan before I ever even dreamt of leaving Nigeria. Gambia was just also by chance, owing to having reached a last stop at Senegal then and while we were almost running out of money. The second baffling aspect was having been also strangely interacted with Whales OBAKA. Now known as Whales Ofili, who lives in Malmo. Now; you are probably as baffled as I am, and have sometimes always been. I must take you back again to the years of the second half of my high school education in ILESA. I must add that while living in Ilesa; my aunt whose name is Aminat Adigun was also coincidentally relocated to Ilesa from Ibadan. She had taken up some job as a Real Estate Surveyor. Her office then was not far from my School at UNIGRAMS, at Ijofi Street, Ilesa which is next to Wesley College Hospital. Ironically; we my Aunt and myself and our parents all used to live in Mokola, Nalende Suburban Area then between 1978 and 1979. Our parents later moved to a house that is around the schools and the St. Stephen Anglican Church, Nalende, Ibadan. We moved to the Baracks in 1979, owing to the fact that my dad was in active duty and had completed his tour postings. I was living then with my mother’s elder sister’s marital family between 1986 July and 1989 December. I had the opportunity then to have developed a crush on a Bukola Adelugba, whose Dad was the Provost of the Saint John’s Cathedral, in Iloro Street, in Ilesa. The crush did not really materialize. This was between 1986 and 1989. We, (Myself) and Wale Oyeleye, my cousin, upon completion of our high school education in Ilesa had eventually moved back to Ibadan, to live with my own Mother, who was then working at the Command Secondary School, Bode-Igbo, Ibadan. This was prior to having later secured an opportunity that was offered by my Late (Uncle and father Figure) Chief Aluko (of blessed memories), who was then a highly ranking executive then in the Cooperative Bank. I’d worked until 1993 at the same bank and had decided to move ahead for reasons that were highlighted in my articles Series: SAPLICA (Part 1 to Part 9), 22nd April, 2014. The strange coincidence though, was having bumped into Bukola Adelugba at the opposite of the ‘’Punk Palace’’ in Lagos then in 1994 (where I’d gone to attempt to propose an idea of mine to Mr. Charlie Boy Oputa {the Area Father}), after having seen and gotten obsessed then with his then weekly show ‘’Candid camera’’. Unfortunately, he was not available. As I made my way to the other side of the road to waive down a transportation for my return trip, I was stopped by Bukola Adelugba, who was an old school mate of mine, whom I’d had a crush on in my early years in 1987-1988 at Ilesa. That was before Roseline Antony and I were dating. We’d expressed nice surprises of seeing each other for it had been over five years since we’d left school. We had somehow discussed all sort of experience but in a very brief short span. She’d mentioned that she works in a sort of company nearby and I could come there and ask for her as ‘’Feeder B’’. Or, that I could also write her. Those days were the good old days. Nipost seem to still be functioning. I could never forget the literary discipline that my interaction with Roseline Anthony instilled. I am talking of the culture of writing and how it initially seemed strange in that last year 1988-1989 that we started dating, but how we fell in love even more through writing. Even though we could easily have seen each other within say half of an hour or so, she’d still insist that she would write me through a third party in case we could not see each other that soon. Gosh! It intrigues a little when you look back at those years and you realize how much you had taken for granted. Those seeds of love that were being sown and just when it was time for it to become ripen, some sort of illusion took over. Maybe because of now? You might say? Or maybe because this is the story? Anyway, my essence of bringing those experiences light is just to tell, that there is much depth of my associations, dealings and history than for just anyone to assume that they could make it what they deem it to be, just by having eavesdrop on my private conversations. There are so many people that are important to my life and history than could understood at this moment. That I do not get to talk about those people and how much I missed them all does not warrant some uneducated-ignorant neighbor who’d been programmed to assume and to make their own illogical inferences about me. My story, just like with majority of a lot of us, be it white, black, Asian, American, Indian, Chinese, and so and forth ‘’is and are’’ deeper than anyone could paint, rail or manufacture to suit their own simple-minded imagination. With this resonance of ‘’Tide and Market come and go and so shall your mother’’ having resonated well with me, like with hundreds of similar quotes that I will never evoke; I can now confirm that such resonations seemed to have been somewhat captured either by me having to recite or script it down. While it is now certain that enactors were scheming to take such advantage as making or basing their plots around such misunderstood resonations. The last person that you would deem as stupid and being brainwashed is me. I know this projections, my team knows the projections, and I know the intents, but I also know that I am at the best position in my life to proudly say ‘’ENOUGH is ENOUGH’’! I will counter-act any attempt to bring my person or my name, or my family’s name to disrepute. My advice to those who are not yielding yet to all the warnings, of ensuring that they are not getting railed, is for them to go and watch the movies: ‘’The Recruit’’ and ‘’Traitor’’ over again. One understand that the footings and the statements relative to affirming, that the only people that can do harm to people are usually those who know them well. The saying was inspired only with the thought that the ones who knew your habits (both good and bad) are the ones who could do you harm. I could retrace a few conversation back to the disappointments that we spoke of in the 1990’s about the Burkina Faso Bloody Ousting of Africa’s then youngest president of his time, Mr. Thomas Sankara. It being reported that it was his most trusted henchman and Friend, that toppled him. It is not that we are were inclined to prick on the conscience of any such people who may have been guilty of some complicity within such regarded contexts; I would rather it was considered as another form of ‘’ sympathetic intrigue’’ rather than obsessive patriotism, to an unknown underlying state of play in another nation. Intrigues were inevitably going to be a resulting outcome of a then military premised youth like myself and my cohorts, who had loved the fact that a young Sankara was in power. But that was the past. We live now in another era and people have moved on. The last thing I would tolerate was for a ‘’Cults of Protagonists’’, and or, Cults of Antagonists’’ to base their competition on my footings or premise offenses which are illegally contrived as being based on my footings. If you commit a crime; you may have to answer to the courts. To lean more of some summarized satiric contexts, which should not in any way evoke anything more than awareness, please kindly visit revisit my Article: A Neighbours World Vase? ((17th June, 2014)). ……………………………………………………………………………………… 12). Levy Et AL – Another Source of their insanity is uncovered As far as I am matured enough to understand; I can affirm that the only thing that keeps us safe is ‘’common sense and conscience’’. If that were to be missing, it would not matter whether someone knows you or not. If they are ‘’Crazy’’ they would stop at nothing to harm. And for the record, crazy in this context does not only fall within the definition of mental illness or drug induced instances alone, but rather could be associated with ideology, religion, bad advice, extremism, Extreme radicalism, revenge and all other situations that would fall under abnormalities that are relatively counteractive to the context of peace, security, love, prosperity and disambiguation. Just as having observed that ‘’THE REVERSED’’ was said to be the themes of the order of the day as can be witnessed from events around the world and also could be attested in relation to scenarios that were flagged in my article: ‘’The Chaotic Theorem’’ – 12th August, 2014. Where it was uncovered that the direction that the so-called ‘’Chaotists’’ were to take the world would not even require them to consider the challenges that the former Colonial Era had to endure before packing up, owing to the impossibility to sustain such continued empiric domination. While this new ideologists are drunk with the idea of assuming themselves to be like a ‘’Rain’’, or ‘’a Fly’’, or even ’’The Mortar Handler’’ who need not know their victims before they deal them a great deal of harm. Such was the despicability of the notion that was tasked as needing mitigation. For when such ideology spreads uncontrollably; then we can be sure to regret ever allowing such insanity to have taken a foothold. You would consider that uncovering the threats relating to the fact that some sort of insanity Schemes were being conjured by members of such ‘’sects’’ whose we are now was enacting values plucked off a certain name of a psychologist or an Author, namely, Levy Et AL; which we had always had our strong suspicion of. While we have finally uncovered them as trying to infuse, intercept, impersonate, mimic and potentially enact a ‘’Flawed but life endangering version of a ‘’TIDE and Market’’ instance, which they could not even imagine what the source of one’s ‘’resonance’’ was? You would join me in asking again, if this world is not really crazy? That association has been made of the so-called ‘’Levy and Rest’’ (Which is also misrepresented with the ‘’LAR’’ denotation). ET AL: Dutch Meaning Please click on the attached link to review the Dutch translation of the words as they affect the case being analyzed. The proof that a sinister plot can exists can now be inferred after discovering and verifying in correlation with the crisis issues situations that was highlighted in referenced additional dimensions of the Dutch inference of the word Et Al was actually referring to a ‘’ Market Stall and Market Stand Situation’’ . Which obviously confirms one’s suspicion that a plot at the axis of the Market had always existed relative to the connections that was later established with the ‘’Poet and Authorship’’ correlation as highlighted in most of my following articles: i). The Replication: Part 3 (5th October, 2014 _ {Section 17, 17b, 17c}) ii). The Literati - The Literati - The Ducks are not alone! (Part 1) _ 08th April, 2014) iii). The Ducks are not alone! (Part 2 _ {25th April, 2014}_ Item 7 and 9) museumofworldmusic/td.html …………………………………………………… Other Uncovered Sources: This goes as far as showing that those behind all those faulty enactments would stop at nothing even though they know that they might be wrong. Instead of owning up and halting their activities, what you would notice is that they’d have retorted to tweaking the facts and truth as such that associating one’s person to all those various incidences. mentalhealth/mag1/scz/sb-prod.html See Part 5 to Continue.........
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 06:25:53 +0000

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