THE MOTHERS OF SUPERIOR CAPACITY . Eve, Sarah and Heavenly - TopicsExpress


THE MOTHERS OF SUPERIOR CAPACITY . Eve, Sarah and Heavenly Jerusalem (The Church) . Any place in the New Testament where the message is about husband and wife relationship, if an example or name had to be cited as an illustration, that name or example must be from any of the three women I listed above. The best way a woman must relate to her husband must be according to how these women related to their husband: Any other lesson or marriage counseling a woman received on how she must relate to her husband must be subject to how Eve, Sarah or the Church (Heavenly Jerusalem) related to their husbands. For instance: 1. Jesus spoke about marriage without divorce and when He referred to a standard marriage to learn from, He cited the marriage of Adam and Eve. (Matthew 19:4-6) 2. Paul also referred to Adam and Eve when he spoke about woman honouring her head and her head being the man (1 Corinthians 11:7-12) (1 Timothy 2:13-15). 3. Another woman Paul made reference to when he spoke about wives’ subjection and relationship with their husbands, is the Church or heavenly Jerusalem. (Ephesians 5:22-24) 4. Peter referred to Sarah when he spoke about wives subjecting to their husbands. (1 Peter 3:5-6) . Perhaps the reason why the New Testament gospel of Jesus Christ recognizes these three women as the final pattern or standard for wives-husbands relationship is that these three women were the only women known as the MOTHERS OF SUPERIOR CAPACITY BEFORE GOD. Eve, Sarah and the Heavenly Jerusalem were the only Mothers of Superior Capacity before God. . What are the criteria that qualified them as ‘Mothers of Superior Capacity?’ . The criteria include; God made them mothers of all even when they were yet to become mothers of one and their husbands had to change their names to names that reflected they were mothers of superior capacity. It is not the son a woman gave birth to that qualifies her as mother of superior capacity, even if she gave birth to Jesus Christ the Son of God; rather it God that qualifies and declares a woman to be a mother of superior capacity before she will ever give birth to a child. Any woman who is called mother of superior capacity because of her child is a fabricated title, not divinely ordained. Eve was a mother of superior capacity before she gave birth to any child. She attained that status when God blessed her and made her fruitful, multipliable and increased the seed of the woman above the head of the serpent; and Adam confirmed that by changing her name from mere ‘Woman’ to ‘Eve’ - meaning ‘Mother of all living.’ As it is written, “And Adam called his wifes name Eve; because she was the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:20). Sarah was a mother of superior capacity before she gave birth to any child. She attained that status when God blessed her and made her fruitful with a son of Promise, named Isaac above the son of the bond woman; and Abraham was made to confirm that by changing her name from mere ‘Sarai’ to ‘Sarah’ – meaning ‘Mother of nations and kings.’ As it is written, “And God said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name ‘Sarai,’ but ‘Sarah’ shall her name be. And I will bless her, and give you a son also of her: yes, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her.” (Genesis 17:15-16) Heavenly Jerusalem (the Church of God) is the mother of all the children of God; so long as God is the father, she is the mother, of all the children of God (Galatians 4:26). She attained that status even before she gave birth to any child, because she was barren and desolate. “Her Maker is Her husband, she is married to the God who created Her; the LORD of hosts is His name; and Her Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall He be called” (Isaiah 54:5). As it is written, “But Jerusalem who is above is free, she is the mother of us all. For it is written, Rejoice, you barren that did not bear; break forth and sing, you that did not travail: for the desolate has many more children than she who has a husband. Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.” (Galatians 4:26-28). . There are many godly women in the bible and outside the bible, and many marriage counseling books or seminars from whom we could learn from on how to relate to our husbands and families. Yet, whatever we learn from any of those women, books, counseling, seminars, forums etc. must be judged and subject to what must be learnt from how Eve, Sarah and Heavenly Jerusalem which is the Church of Jesus Christ, relate to their husbands. These three women have the final say on how a woman must treat her husband in Jesus Christ. 1. There are men of God who encourage divorce or practice that, just as Moses wrote about a man giving his wife a divorce certificate. Moses’ (any man of God’s) counseling or writings cannot overrule what any of the mothers of superior capacity knew and approved in their own marriage as a final pattern for everyone under their roof or domain of motherhood. Therefore, Jesus made reference to the marriage of one of the mothers of superior capacity which happened in the beginning, to overrule whatever Moses had written or preached concerning divorce (Matthew 19:3-9). 2. There are men of God who encourage marrying more than one wives and keeping them. Abraham was also a great man of God, but had contrary view about driving away his other wife and son just because Sarah had changed her mind. However, God told Abraham to listen to Sarah on that matter, more than using his own judgment as a man of God also: Thus, Sarah’s opinion on wife-husband relationship overruled that of Abraham the man of God. (Genesis 21:9-14). Not as if Sarah’s opinion prevailed over Abraham, but that Sarah’s opinion prevailed over the other woman and her son whom Abraham was keeping. Sarah was subject to Abraham, but not subject to him keeping another woman and her children: Abraham must honor Sarah above every other woman, and make every other woman subject to her under his roof. . These women listed as mothers of superior capacity each committed a grave flaw to their husbands. Eve was deceived and she gave the forbidden fruit to her husband, Sarah was deceived and she gave her maid to her husband to sleep with her and even the church was deceived in the past while she engage in spiritual harlotry. However, the point is that they were never again deceived after they were made mothers of superior capacity. They became perfect women to learn from as pattern for all godly women and daughters of Zion towards their husbands. . I encourage you to learn from them only from the moment in which they were declared mothers of superior capacity or from the moments their last names were given to them in exchange for what they were previously called by their husbands.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 06:03:53 +0000

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