THE NIGHT CRAWLER The dogs have been barking incessantly - TopicsExpress


THE NIGHT CRAWLER The dogs have been barking incessantly since midnight, the mzee of the boma isnt unduly worried as this is the mating season, plus Kisii, especially Nyanchwa is very safe thanks to sungusungu, and;he proceeds to inspect his grade cows, which are by now being milked by a worker. One of his son has also woken up, on checking the gate, he sees a vehicle, actually a metallic grey Prado parked outside, which is why he comes to report to the mzee of the boma. The mzee goes with the son to the gate, open and examine the car parked smack at his gate. It bears the newish KBC number plate. The mzee shakes his head and wonders loudly who this arrogant person is who parked at his gate. Meanwhile, the cacophony of the noise of barking dogs has increased a decibel higher, it is 6.30am and the beautiful rays of the sun can be seen streaming through the leaves of the avocado trees in the compound.The Mzee and his son find the barking unusual this early in the morning, they then decides to check on the dogs. The dogs are barking at something up a huge avocado tree in the middle of the compound. They are 3 towering dogs, obviously not mongrels and hence cross-breed of an exotic breed, probably Alsatian or Doberman(who knows really?),the Locals prefer their dogs to be as monstrous and as fearsome as police dogs. The man who makes them that big this side is Omete the dog breeder at Suneka. On reaching the avocado tree, the man and his son look at what the dogs are barking at, it is on top of the tree and are shocked to see a silhouette of a human being . The son makes an almighty war cry which wakes the entire village as the two rush to the house to arm themselves. By the time they return with a spear, a panga and a maasai sword, villagers have already crashed into the homestead by charging through the fence or the gate and are now milling around the avocado tree. In a commanding voice, the mzee orders whoever is on top of his avocado tree to come down right there and then!. The man at the top (surely it cant be a woman as Kisii women never climb trees), takes his sweet time to come down as the crowd is mumbling loudly and baying for his blood in annoyance. When his feet touches the ground, a loud gasp escapes from the crowd. The man is wearing what is left of a white shirt, shredded all the way from the shoulders downwards. Its also caked with mud and congealed blood. The dark trousers have been torn to look like a skirt with a slit at the sides. The dogs are again excited and begin to bark. The mzee orders them to quieten just like most villagers are now silent like they have seen a night runner. The man in front of all this people and who has been humiliated so by the canines is a top top VIP in the county!. The mzee asks, Engera eyee, I hope you have come with blessings into my compound. Why did you decide to climb an avocado tree, instead of coming straight to my house?, the man answers the mzee that he didnt specifically come to visit him but had come to see Kemunto. Kemunto is the daughter in law of the old man. The wife of the eldest son. The husband of Kemunto flew to USA about 5yrs ago and has never bothered to come to see his wife and two children. Kemunto does her thing in secret, except for today when she has been nabbed red handed. The old man is distraught on behalf of his son, apologise for the canine bad behaviours and tells the VIP to go to Kemuntos house if he so wishes. He then plod slowly to his house, looking his age of 90 something. A wag shouts something to the mheshimiwa to do the honourable thing and give everyone there tea. The mheshimiwa checks his torn trousers and can only retrieve 2k.The villagers are appreciative. He then limps slowly while grimacing with pain to the gate where his Prado is parked.He is surely going for anti tetanus and rabies jabs at the Kisii level 6 Hospital and has got lots of explaining to his wife about where he was the entire night. The villagers are surely going to whisper, and even though he will pay to ensure that the news dont reach Egesa FM, the in laws will surely hear about it.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 19:23:24 +0000

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