THE POWER OF SCOTLAND How you vote in the General Election may - TopicsExpress


THE POWER OF SCOTLAND How you vote in the General Election may differ from how you vote in the Scottish Election. Lets just concentrate on the General Election for now. The SNP are really the only option. We would not insult you by telling you how to vote (you just did - Ed) so we will explain our humble.... Since the vote most of you will be aware of the SNPs stratospheric rise in members. We use the word advisedly as explosive might have GCHQ close us down. Rising over 300% in three weeks is new territory for any political party in the untied Kingdom. (Shetland managed 370% though so please dont write off the Northern Isles just yet.) Setting aside your distrust of polls for a mo, two recent ones show much the same picture. And its very pretty. Current predictions of voting intention give the SNP 40 seats. Which in itself is historically pure dead brilliant. But also hysterically so. We all know Dave C had to adopt The Poodle to form a government last time around. Which was a success for the master but not the dog. Liberal Democrats north of the border are becoming as rare as Tory ones, their support halved from the 2010 election. So far so bad for Westminster. Cheer up, it gets worse. Mr C thinks he was very clever by making Scotland vote a straight Yes/No, banking (one of his favourite pastimes) on the silly wee Jocks bottling it. But we did not bottle it and at the last minute realising there was an almost definite Yes vote on the way the big shiney Vow spanner was tossed into the Yes spokes. Here was the point where he became too clever by half. Power is all to the wee, rich man who has everything else so anything goes for him to hang onto it. Bung in the devo-max carrot, slow everything right down, deliver nothing for three years, (long after the general election), stroke the Queen, and his calculations are- no damaging Union break-up to upset voters, remove Scottish Labour MPs power by linking them to the devolution on offer and sail into power. Scotland subjugated to a colonial backwater once again. Weel haud on a peerie minute! Prime Minister. Your calculations have one wee flaw. Those polls we were talking about (ages ago it seems - Ed) show the real power of Scotland has shifted from Labour and the Liberal Democrats not to UKIP or the Tories. It is the SNP who are now on course to gain 40 seats in Westminster. Mr Cameron may be reaching for the champagne bottle in anticipation of Labour being weakened sufficiently that his party will not require to form a coalition. Except this puts forward the possibility of the wee SNP holding the balance of power in the Houses of Parliament. And what bargaining power that would be. If you thought Scotland lost on the 18th September 2014, watch what can happen on the 7th May 2015. Which party would they form a coalition with? None we can think of. Of course they could offer to cede power to Westminster and declare independence. Otherwise Westminster is well and truly powerless. If Mr Cameron had not been so clever with his spanner he might just have got rid of the Scottish problem and hung onto power and the union. Now if you vote for the SNP he might just lose both. We can hear you smiling. You know what to do loyal followers.....
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 21:12:59 +0000

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