THE PRAYER OF INTERCESSION Jeremiah 27:18 KJV But if they be - TopicsExpress


THE PRAYER OF INTERCESSION Jeremiah 27:18 KJV But if they be prophets, and if the word of the Lord be with them, let them now make intercession to the Lord of hosts... There is an intercessory ministry of the Holy Spirit, which He carries out through the believer, but there also intercessory ministry of the believer, and the two are quite different. The Holy Spirit does carry out His intercessory ministry through us. God may tell you to pray for someone or minister to someone by the leading of His Spirit. You may just be praying about some other things and suddenly the Spirit of God begins to work to work within you and you find yourself interceding for an individual you never planned to pray for. However, you dont always have to wait for that prompting before you pray for others. Our intercessory ministry as believers requires us to pray for others, without the Holy Spirit necessarily inspiring or prompting us at that moment to pray! Its something you do consciously. When you intercede for others this way and in accordance with the Word, it will be heard by God in just the same way as though the Holy Spirit inspired the words you spoke and carried out that particular ministry through you. Therere certain rules guiding intercessory prayer which you must take into cognizance. The first is, you must know youre not interceding for yourself. The prayer of intercession is always on behalf of someone else. Secondly, youll have to be persistent about whatever it is youre interceding for. This is because youre trying to prevail on someone else to align with Gods will. In the prayer of intercession, youre concentrating the influence of Gods power on others for their good, and that requires some persistent, you must also continue in prayer for as long as it takes for it to Work. In the prayer of intercession, you dont stop praying until you get that note of victory in your spirit and are certain that you have that you have what you asked for. Prophet King Dunamis
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 06:52:13 +0000

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