THE “Puppet master” propaganda offensive is underway by the - TopicsExpress


THE “Puppet master” propaganda offensive is underway by the “crab grass roots” of Obama and the the “Media VOICE of the administration” to either deny the involvement of fascists (to whom the queen of “money for Fascists and WAR for free” calls friends) in the US-backed coup in Ukraine or present their role as a marginal and insignificant detail as well to continue with a straight face calling Putin “Hitler” because he is allowing the “CRIMEAN” people decide their own direction… being that Crimea was historically Russian with Russian heroes and fought with Russia it will not be a surprise to me when it decides to return to Russia. Many have called “Putin’s claim of an immediate threat to Ukrainian Russians is empty,” implying that the “Money for Fascists and war for free” project is as poorly run as was the Benghazi annex, while claims that events in Crimea were an attempt to calm the “Billion dollar fascists,” was over stated. “The reality is that, for the first time since 1945, an avowedly anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi party controls key levers of state power in a European capital, courtesy of US and European imperialism. The unelected Ukrainian government, headed by US appointee Arseniy Yatsenyuk, includes no fewer than six ministers from the fascist Svoboda party.” (Svoboda was the major political force in the Maidan protests that overthrew Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych. In return for providing the shock troops for the coup, it has been given control of vital ministries.) One of the first acts of the new government was to abolish minority rights for Russian-speakers. Moves are also afoot to overturn the law that bans “excusing the crimes of fascism.” Less than a year ago, (but LONG after the humiliation of Obama by Putin in Syria) the World Jewish Congress called for Svoboda to be banned. But the party’s founder and leader, Oleh Tyahnybok, who has spoken repeatedly of his determination to crush the “Russkie-Yid mafia that controls Ukraine,” was feted by US and European Union officials as they prepared last month’s coup. In recent days, representatives of the Right Sector have been busy attacking Jews, Russian Orthodox Christians and legal figures. Two YouTube videos show a Right Sector leader Aleksandr Muzychko—who described his credo as fighting “communists, Jews and Russians for as long as blood flows in my veins”—physically attacking a regional prosecutor in Rovno and forcing Rovno The objective of this “Money for fascist and war for free” is to poison the ideological climate with reaction, as aspiring oligarchs jostled for control of Ukraine’s resources and the imperialist powers pressed forward with their plans to dominate Ukraine in order to isolate and ultimately colonize Russia. 11 billion out of the USA, 8+billion from China, 15 billion from the EU and Historical ties to RUSSIA. I do not believe as some that this is an attempt at creating world war 3 but is was a PERSONAL goal for payback and opportunistic individuals acting together that created this epic FAIL.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 04:09:21 +0000

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