THE REAL NEO CON AGENDA BEHIND AMNESTY ..... Pews question zeroed - TopicsExpress


THE REAL NEO CON AGENDA BEHIND AMNESTY ..... Pews question zeroed in on Hispanic attitudes toward government: whether government should be bigger or smaller, with more services or fewer services. There was no mistaking the Hispanic preference. Hispanics, Pew wrote, are more likely than the general public to say they would rather have a bigger government providing more services than a smaller government with fewer services. How much more likely? According to Pew, Some 75 percent of Hispanics say this, while 19 percent say they would rather have a smaller government with fewer services. Thats three out of four Obamacare voters right there. No wonder the administration is happy to turn U.S. border agents into unaccompanied alien minor baby sitters, and boot troops from their Army base (as reported in Oklahoma) to make room for the new arrivals. By contrast, Pew continued, just 41 percent of the general U.S. public say they want a bigger government, while nearly half (48 percent) say they want a smaller government. Those general numbers still show that there is at least a light brake on fundamental change. According to the Left, however, such numbers add up to dreaded gridlock. For the Leftists in charge who want to stay in charge, no wonder the U.S. border has to go. Among Hispanic immigrants, meanwhile, Pew found that bigger government and more services were even more popular, with 81 percent favoring both. Its conceivable that among minor aliens lured here by the promise of free (read: taxpayer-funded) state care, cradle to grave, that percentage could be higher still. Thats why the Left sees no crisis on the border, not when tens of thousands of potential future constituents are crashing it. To Democratic lawmakers such as Nancy Pelosi, they even begin to take on that lit-from-within look -- just like, as she put it, a dazzling, sparkling, array of Gods children, aka future Democratic votes. Weve wandered into this deeply corrupt territory before. Back in the late 1990s, Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., tapped David P. Schippers to begin the oversight investigations that ultimately led to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton. What many Americans forget is that Schippers and his staff were investigating a long list of potentially impeachable offenses, including Chinagate (Red Chinas illegal contributions to the 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign), Filegate (Clinton White House exploitation of hundreds of raw FBI files), Travelgate (firing of long-time White House staffers to make way for a Clinton crony) and others. One of the most serious abuses of power the Schippers staff looked into focused on the Clinton administrations politicization of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to process a whopping one million new, likely Democratic, voters by the 1996 presidential election. As usual, craven Republican leadership was the reason the broader impeachment inquiry was stopped before completing these urgent investigations. It is unlikely we will be any better served by our representatives today. With a list of grievances longer than the Colonists had against King George, they do nothing -- certainly nothing with regard to investigations that could lead to an impeachment inquiry. Theres a legal argument to be made for impeachment but there is no political will for making it, we are told over and over, and with a straight face.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 09:04:36 +0000

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