THE REAL WORLD....HOW FORGIVENESS BEGETS RADICAL HEALING/RESURRECTION... How do you get past a material world and universe? By forgiving it. By withdrawing the meanings you apply with commitment to the Kingdom of Heaven causing you to see it through a glass darkly . . . that simple. it’s time for this. And as I said last week, it better be part of your embrace of A Course In Miracles. Well, we’re reading from a Chapter entitled,“FORGIVENESS AND HEALING.” And we’ve been talking for a few weeks about what you might call radical healing, haven’t we?—the changing of apparently dangerous elements into benign but still functioning elements.. The healing of damage, whether from injury or from germs or from radioactive isotopes—radioactivity—whether it’s the changing of water which has become impure, we’ve talked about the expectation of correction of illusions, not as a pleasant dreamy idea, but as an actual measurable fact.. It’s very appropriate to be talking about these things at this time, being Easter. After all, if you have tissue that has been damaged that is healed, isn’t that resurrection? If something is returned to its natural normal perfect state when it had before been imperfect, is that return to excellence not resurrection? It is.. Forgiveness and Healing, they’re inseparable really. Get it? I’m not blasting you with it. I’m not making it sound great and important. But it is simply profound. When there is healing, when something abnormal has been returned to its state of normalcy, resurrection has occurred. And always, when that happens, it happens as the result of a simple act: Forgiveness. . The simple act of forgiveness is accomplished by . . . what? The two-step that we’ve been taking about—that point at which no matter what is going on, no matter what is confronting you, you stop, you silence your thinking mind. And in the silence, you reach out beyond your thinking mind to the Father, to the Holy Spirit to enquire, “What is the truth here?”. Now, the simple fact is that the willingness to know what is true in spite of what is confronting you, in spite of what you have been conditioned to believe was happening in which you are projecting on the event, you want to know the truth from a Source that Knows the truth. And that is forgiveness.. When you stop holding a circumstance or an individual to a concept you have, you’re forgiving that circumstance or that individual. You are forgiving polluted water. You are forgiving those who knowingly or unknowingly caused the pollution to happen. And in the desire to know what is the truth about the water or the condition, and those that caused the condition, you are abandoning your commitment to your conviction about what those things are. And that abandonment with enquiry to know the truth beyond your perception is, forgiveness.. Forgiveness practiced genuinely always results in correction . . . always results in healing . . . always results in Resurrection. It’s a law. It is absolute. There is no variation to it and you can depend upon it. But you won’t depend upon it if you don’t embrace what will initially be the idea or the concept. You’ll say, “Resurrection is impossible, damage is permanent!” No forgiveness there, because there is no curiosity to see beyond the definition or meaning you’re applying to everything.. And so you hold what is in actuality the Kingdom of Heaven in bondage to a limited perception that you’re applying to the Kingdom of Heaven that makes it look like a material world and universe. It’s that simple.. How do you get past a material world and universe? By forgiving it. By withdrawing the meanings you apply with commitment to the Kingdom of Heaven causing you to see it through a glass darkly . . . that simple.. This means that every single moment and every encounter you have with everything is Easter Morning . . . the time for Resurrection to occur . . . the place for Resurrection to occur.. But you’ve got to let Resurrection in. You’ve got to allow it to be part of your day, part of your own encounter with each and every thing.. Now, I know that presently there is so much wrong going on in your world, so much negativity, so much that seems dire and threatening, that it seems impossible to conceive of resurrection occurring. It seems like it will be almost impossible to have a long drawn out resurrection, much less an instantaneous shift of perception that registers in a recordable fashion in the world as the world, and which would be called, “recognizing the Kingdom of Heaven” right where you are.Now, I know that presently there is so much wrong going on in your world, so much negativity, so much that seems dire and threatening, that it seems impossible to conceive of resurrection occurring. . It seems like it will be almost impossible to have a long drawn out resurrection, much less an instantaneous shift of perception that registers in a recordable fashion in the world as the world, and which would be called, “recognizing the Kingdom of Heaven” right where you are.. But it’s time for this. And as I said last week, it better be part of your embrace of A Course In Miracles. Now, this next section is entitled: THE FORGIVEN WORLD1. . . . not just a forgiven leaf or a forgiven spouse or a forgiven ant that just bit you, but a Forgiven World (to continue reading please click onto the link below) ~excerpt from ACIM Study Group with Raj/JESUS, 4/23/11 Conducted by the Northwest Foundation for ACIM nwffacim.wrdpress FaceBook: https://facebook/groups/183859725130360/ Now I am present with and available to every single one of you, everyone at every moment. And so it is my intent in being with groups of people like this to make this fact known and by Pauls presence and demeanor also convey the fact that my being available doesnt require of anyone any special talent, because Paul is about as regular as anyone else on this planet and has no special talent in order to hear me. Does that clarify that for you? For those of you who are students of A Course In Miracles, I will take this opportunity to point out that my time spent with Helen Schucman was also not a special instance. And although there have been some expressions of the fact, or the idea-not the fact-the idea that everyone else cant expect the same sort of relationship with me or with Guidance that she experienced, is untrue. It is an attempt to elevate her, and to elevate the Course into a false position of religious respect, whether it is stated that way or not
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 20:28:07 +0000

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