THE SPIRIT OF NEHEMIA (Apostle - TopicsExpress


THE SPIRIT OF NEHEMIA (Apostle Jethro) Nehemiah 1:1-4 The memoirs of Nehemiah son of Hacaliah. It was the month of Kislev in the twentieth year. At the time I was in the palace complex at Susa. Hanani, one of my brothers, had just arrived from Judah with some fellow Jews. I asked them about the conditions among the Jews there who had survived the exile, and about Jerusalem. They told me, The exile survivors who are left there in the province are in bad shape. Conditions are appalling. The wall of Jerusalem is still rubble; the city gates are still cinders. When I heard this, I sat down and wept. I mourned for days, fasting and praying before the God-of-Heaven. Nehemia means consolation of Jehova or Yahweh comfort. Nehemia was a perfect leader we can follow. He was a person who asked about the state of his home. His heart was concerned about Jerusalem. We need leaders who will have the heart of Nehemia who asked question about home. Nehemial never masked his emotions. We need people who will not mask their emotions when things are not right. Nehemia was Nehemia had a burden for his country. Somebody who has a burden is not pushed to do something. Nehemia identified with the hardship of those who were left behind and he took it as his responsibility to fix it. Neheniah was able to deny himself of luxuries. (Nehemiah 1:4) Nehemiah was able to put God in remeberence of his promis concerning the jews. (Nehemiah 1:10) Nehemiah was able to put the vision plain. As a leader make a vision and make it plain. Have a person also as a person. He had the right answer for a time frame (Nehemiah 1:3). You must have the right timing. Nehemiah trusted in God and relied on help from above. (Neh 1:11) Nehemiah was able to ask for favor from the king. Be a leader who is able to ask for favour including for the people you lead. Nehemiah was a relevant leader. A relevant leader is; Consistent You must be consistent even in discipline. Committed Be committed as a leader. Do not be in between. Credible Be credible. Have a quality of being trusted Rightly connected You must be rightly connected Meets the needs of his people. spiritually and physically Causes change for the better Always prompt. He ls always there. Always caring Visible Respectful of time Be always on time. Keep time Respects others respect others whether junior or senior Spiritual prayerful and reads the word Nehemiah was able to motivate others Nehemiah was a charismatic leader Nemiah was able to uplift those who were down. Nehemiah was a visionary. Nehemiah was able to biild through adversity. (Nehemiah 1:7) Nehemiah was strategic. Neheiah was a motivational leader. Nehemiah was a resourceful leader. Nehemiah was a cheerful leader. Nehemiah was able to delegate. Nehemiah was able to supervise faithful bold
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:06:30 +0000

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