THE STARK TRUTH AND WHAT MANY AMERICANS MUST REALIZE... From the Roger Hedgecock radio show. There are times when I dont agree with all he says but he nailed this one. A caller phoned in and was confused and wondering why many people are blaming the Tea Party for things they believe in and stand for such as, less overreaching government, lower taxes, less debt, family values, moral responsibility, accountability, freedom and liberty. The caller says, everyone has to and should believe in those things, its a given, a no brainer. Roger says youve just hit on the main problem, thats exactly where you are WRONG. You need to realize many people today on the left and liberal democrats DONT believe in those things at ALL. They believe in, anything goes, the world owes me a living, they want and believe in bigger government, more government control, higher taxes, mass welfare and entitlements for everyone and the end result of everyones life should be equally the same, regardless of the knowledge, work ethics or effort they put in. They want huge government and government to control every aspect of their lives. He said this is exactly why the failed belief in the (go along to get along) lets meet in the middle, idea has not, will not and is not going to work anymore. HE NAILED IT AND IS ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. AND WE NEED TO WAKE THE HELL UP AND REALIZE IT, LIKE IT OR NOT.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 16:30:09 +0000

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