THE SYMBOLS OF THE INSPIRED BOOK God likens His Word to many - TopicsExpress


THE SYMBOLS OF THE INSPIRED BOOK God likens His Word to many things and each of the sympols used ot convey a unique facet of truth to represent it. -The Word is like Fire, Jeremiah 23:29 it burns, cleanses and purges all that is contrary to its holy standard. -The Word is like a Hammer Jeremiah 23:29, It smashes an demolishes evil. -The Word is a Lamp, Psalm 119:105, Its an instrument of light and illumination in the darkness. -The Word is like a Mirror, James 1:23, it reveals to us what we are and what we can be in God -The Word is like Milk, 1 Peter 2:2, It nourishes the young in Christ. -The Word is like a Rod, Revelation 11:1-2, As a measuring instrument it is the Divine standard in all matters of faith and practice. -The Word is like a Seed, 1 Peter 1:23; Luke 8:11; James 1:18, It is a germinating, life producing Word, haveing the potential of eternal life within it. -The Word is like a Sword, Hebrews 4:12, It is sharp and two-edged in its operation, separating the things of the flesh and the spirit. -The Word is like Water, Ephesians 5:26; John 15:3; 17:17; Psalm 119:5,9 --It is life giving, refreshing and a cleansing agent. -The Word is like Godk, Psalm 19:7-10; Job 28:1; Proverbs 25;2, It is of priceless value. The Bible is an inexhaustable gold mine where one can dig out treasures fore ever. -The Word is like Honey, Psalm 19:10; Revelation 10:10, It is sweet to the taste. -The Word is like an Ox-goad, Ecclestiastes 12:11, It is an instrument which prods the oxen into fulfilling its duties. -The Word is like a Nail, Ecclesiastes 12:11, It is fastened in a sure place. We can safely hang things on it. -The Word is like Bread, Matthew 4:4; Deuteronomy 8:3; Psalm 119:103; Isaiah 55;10; Exodus 16, It is the source of life, ever fresh, and meant for daily consumpton. -The Word is like a Pearl, Matthew 7:6, It is a precious gem. Though formed in darkness, it has the colors of the rainbow when brought to the light. -The Word is like Anchor, Hebrews 6;18-19, It holds the believer in safety through every storm. -The Word is like a Star, II Peter 1:19; Revelation 2:28, It guides the believer to Christ. -The Word is like Meat, Hebrews 5:14, It is strength-giving food for the mature.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 01:17:20 +0000

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