THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ADDRESS PRESENTED BY SIR ANTHONY CHUKS OBUH, DELTA STATE PDP GUBER ASPIRANT, TO PDP LGA EXCO, WARD EXCOS, LEADERS, PARTY FAITHFULS IN OSHIMILI SOUTH LGA AND THE GOOD PEOPLE OF DELTA STATE AT THE FINAL LAP OF HIS CONSULTATIVE TOUR TO ALL THE 25 LGAs OF THE STATE, AT ART AND CULTURE PREMISES, ASABA, ON FRIDAY 26TH SEPT 2014. My dear people of Oshimili South Local Government Area, my Chairman and other leaders of our great political party, the peoples Democratic Party, PDP. For me, this local government is my home, I have worked and lived here since the creation of Delta State. I know Oshimili South, I have been to all parts of the LGA and I know what the environment of Oshimili South is. I know Oshimili the way I know Ika, I know Ika the way I know communities in Aniocha and Ndokwa. I know communities in Delta North the the way I know communities in Delta Central. I know communities in Delta Central the way I know communities in Delta South. Infact I know Delta State in and out. I know the geography of Delta, I know the people of Delta,, I know the environment, I know the type of Agricultural products we produce. I know our people, I know our aspirations and I know what God has endowed us with. I think and I believe within my heart that if we are able to pull our efforts together and add great value, we can move the state forward. I stand here to seek your mandate to lead this great State. I am not a stranger to government because I was in government for 32 years. I started my service in Bendel state and ended it here in Delta State. Within that period I served as a Permanent secretary for 8 years. For emphasis, it will interest you to know that I had a privilage of working as the General manager of Delta Transport company, I also work as the Director of Federal Investment and Loans for Delta State, I was the chairman Universal Investment and Development PLC and also functioned as Chairman of Bendel insurance PLC, again, I serve as an alternate Director of Pamol Nigeria Limited. I have been involved in government, I know Government, I know what governance is. I know how to aggregate the interest of the people within government, i know that the demand of government is heavy, I know also that there is a way we can aggregate our interests and everybody will have a share in government. My dear people of Delta State, I want to tell you that it is possible for every community, every Local Govt within Delta State to grow side by side in peace and development and everybody will be happy. It is possible for us to share what we have, manage our resources and distribute social amenities for our people and everybody will be happy. What makes us unhappy is that somebody will take, after taking he will take again, after taking he will take again, people will get angry. So we know how to aggregate what we have, share it among our people and everybody will feel a bit of Govt House and we will all become stakeholder in the project, Delta State. I stand as a symbol to promote peace, as a symbol to promote Industries, as a symbol to promote Agriculture, as a symbol to unite the people of Delta State, so that our tommorrow will be stronger than our today, our children years to come will celebrate us. That is if we did not miss the opportunity to invest on the opportunities we have now to shape our future. I believe that Delta State Can help the youth to acquire skills that will make them independent and wealth creators. I believe that our youth can be assisted to take care of themselves and their environment and create wealth for others instead of forming groups to collect deve or standing by your vehicle and call you my Chair! my leader!, Honourable!, to get small change from you for survival. So. We will develop our people beyond beging for money to distributing wealth and employ people so that all of us can be wealth creators for ourselves. For those of us who farm, instead of having a period where we have more than enough to consume and reduce the prices of our produce, we will be able to mop up whatever we have as excess and process them so that those who farm will have greater value for their products. You will nolonger sell maybe 20tons of grains for the price of one ton because you want to dispose them. You do not want them to be wasted. Govt will help you to process your products. You will be a wealth creators on your own. The fishermen and women, the women weavers or traders, we will help you to promote your trade and you will be happy that you belong to this community, this state that is called Delta. It will be a Delta for all of us. It will be a Delta where everybody will have a stake, it will be a Delta where if you know what you can do to help the state, you will be happy to do it because Govt will assist you, make you happy and make you feel that you belong to this state. TO BE CONCLUDED.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 15:25:59 +0000

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