THE TREASURES OF OGUTA: EUGENE DIBIAGWU & WILLIAMS EJIAKOR In Platos allegory of the metals, the philosopher classified men into groups of gold, silver and lead. I have the courage to admit that EUGENE-WILLIAMS are pure golds; gold in their intellectual brilliance, warmth and humanity, tolerance and generosity, gold in their unfailing loyalty and self-sacrifice. These men are soldiers and patriots, for whom no task is too small. Men who speaks and understands our Language and to whom we listen. If anyone could mobilize the unruly youths behind a negotiable solution, it is EUGENE-WILLIAMS. These men are great heroes among the youths of Oguta, for they have touched lives. During the last Oguta rerun election, the consequence of the governments humiliating defeats in the past elections made Rochas Okorocha to relocate and send all his arsenals and mercenaries to Oguta to help deliver Walter Uzonwanne. The state decided never to let it happen again as the governor told the electorates that the election is not between Eugene Dibiagwu and Walter Uzonwanne but between Eugene Dibiagwu and Rochas Okorocha. Eugene Dibiagwu is loved by all and so Walter is not a match to Eugene! Walter Uzonwanne lost in all the polling units in Oguta ameshi, his town. After a wavering intimidation and inducement, our people remained determined as they defied the unprecedented intimidation by a ruthless government seeking to impose on us a puppet. The images of NDI OGUTA going to the polls that day are burned in my memory. Great lines of patient people snaking through the dirt and abandoned roads and streets; old men, women and youths who had waited for so long to cast their votes for Eugene Dibiagwu, saying that they felt like human beings for the first time in their lives; old men and women saying they were proud and happy to have their son and selfless giver represent them. The mood that day was buoyant. Even the logistical difficulties of the voting, misplaced ballots, pirate voting stations found in certain places could not dim the overwhelming victory for democracy and justice. In Ossemotor and Egbuoma, fear of violence and intimidation kept many of our voters at home. There were charges, as well, of fraud and vote rigging. However, my fear is that the vultures have gathered again to deny our people the right to make their choice freely. Liberation struggle is not a battle against any one, but a system of repression. Never, never, and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another. The sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement. When Hon. Williams Ejiakor emerged as PDP flag bearer for Oguta state constituency, IMHA, through a completed, free, fair, credible and acceptable primary election devoid of imposition and violence, I received messages which reads: PDP has produced an independent candidate we all are yearning for - Prince Obioha. His concern for the rural poor came from his childhood in Agwa, for his roots were deep and true, and he can never lost them. Hes our best man - Ikenna Obiwuru. Government derives their authority and legitimacy from the consent of the governed, and we have assembled to create such a legitimate authority. Williams is willing, lets give him the support - senior comrade Darlington Nduka. Comr Godwins Nduka, I must say with the emergence of your boss Williams Ejiakor, our candidate will be fishing on dry land. Williams is loved by all and I dont think our candidate is a match to him - an APC leader and delegate(name withheld). NDI OGUTA, we are not prepared to wait forever for Our freedom: Victory through the ballot not bullet. Terrible wrong had been done to our people through imposition. We have the foresight to understand and accept that all the people of Oguta must, through ballot and as equal participants in the process, together determined what we want to make of our future. Oguta can never again be deprived of one of its greatest sons. Say no to imposition! Vote Hon. Williams Ejiakor(PDP) for Imo state House of assembly, Oguta state constituency. OGUTA DESERVES THE BEST!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:53:01 +0000

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