**** THE TRUE TRUTH OF ORIGIN OF THE ISIS OR ISLAMIC STATE, A SUNNI JIHADIST FANATIC ISLAMIC TERRORIST GROUP *** THE ORIGIN OF ISIS THE COVERT ORIGINS OF ISIS StormCloudsGathering https://youtube/watch?v=oMjXbuj7BPI brasschecktv/.../us-created-isis-to-topple ... Surviving an ISIS Massacre | The New York Times The New York Times https://youtube/watch?v=i1Eqe5s1rmY Where there is smoke, there is fire. ISIS is just a little too slick to have come out of nowhere. So where did it come from? Weve got the answers. US created ISIS to topple Libya. The Covert Origins of ISIS It seems so obvious. Theyre well-armed. Theyre well trained. Theyre well commanded. And they have fantastic media skills. • Where did they get this stuff from? • Hanging out in the desert and humping camels? • Did it fall from the sky? • Did they read how to do it on the Internet? Most people have trouble organizing a bake sale. Fact of life: You do not see this kind of operation without sophisticated support. Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar - US allies, who in turn are funded, armed and trained by the US. See more at: brasschecktv/.../us-created-isis-to-topple... = = = These ISIS-ISLAMIC STATE Terrorist Criminals, they are an evil manufactured product of NWO-asshole “leaders”. These depraved insane criminals are a product, a scumbag of the religious fanatic sectarianism, an evil consequence of American Empire destabilization of Mid-East Ancient Countries and States, who were creative and progressive Arab states. Like in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, El Salvador, Guatemala, Colombia, and many other Human Nations on Earth, until they have disagree with the greedy and destructive intentions of powerful war-mongers of the evil and depraved “Elites Group”, who rules the NWO and American Empire. Who without any correct reasoning they have destroyed their former and stable Mid-East and Arab Countries’ Partners like it was Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, in his moment, until when he was ousted in the Libyan “civil war” by the fabricated Terrorist “Rebel Groups” promoted and funded by the Evil Empire on Earth (NWO-CIA, Israel-MOSSAD and American Empire). Like it is actually happening in Syria Human Nation too. And this kind of such “OVERTHROWS” which are promoted and motivated by greedy and insane purposes of economic plundering of natural resources of each country, innocent nation, which is terror target by and from the EVIL EMPIRE ON EARTH (NWO-CIA, Israel-MOSSAD and American Empire). Then the evil and degenerate mercenaries and insane fanatic terrorist groups like ISIS or Islamic Sunit State war-mongers and their lackeys invade the destroyed Arab Countries, in order to take them for their evil and mad purposes. This evil criminal behavior and crimes are a result of stupid and destructive way of ruling of the Evil Empire on Earth, the NWO-CIA, Israel-MOSSAD and American Empire. This is it! The true human beings on Earth, as well the righteous and constructive Human Nations on Earth MUST UNITE IN ORDER TO STOP ALL THESE EVIL CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. And to overthrow the rulers of the Evil Empire on Earth (NWO-CIA, Israel-MOSSAD and American Empire), too. Until this evil and insane “Privileged” Group of Power-Elites have totally taken to all of you, the Human Nations on Earth, as their bio-chipping fully enslaved human cattle. The Earth is designed to be guided by the Wisdom; then ignorance and poverty of consciousness will disappear, and so Love and Peace and Harmony will flourish.” - Dr. DIETMAR ROTHE. “Then we have the solution here, and must to follow it...which is to pick and choose from the wise and righteous human beings of Earth in order to put them in charge of power and leadership positions over this planet; to those whom are ignored among us, the human nations of the Earth. However, if we continue choosing to whom and by who we are forced to support, i.e. the corrupt and incapable governments; commanded by most brute, barbaric, stupid, selfish and greedy people over this planet - like it is the case of the vast majority of people who are in charge of power among the nations of this world - then we are really in serious troubles. THEN WE ONLY SHOULD TO WAIT THE WORST OF THE WORST. THIS IS IT! So everyone, every citizen of this world, we have to take our own responsibility for the consequences of our choice, and by the system of life or lifestyle we do. TOP IMPORTANT NOTE: FOR THE TERRESTRIAL HUMAN NATIONS. The current type or kind of Human Life System is wrong. It is based on greed, selfishness and madness. THE HUMAN BEING ON UNIVERSE has designed to be evolved, to live and grown in a True Natural Healthy and Humane Environment in Harmony and Alignment of the CREATION LAWS AND DIRECTIVES. So our present type or kind of Human Life Style on Earth has to be modified, it has to be changed for the GOODNESS and WISDOM. We, the true terrestrial human beings, we have an inescapable and straightforward human responsibility to our people and innocent living creatures of our world. FOR THIS WAS CREATED THE HUMAN BEING IN THE UNIVERSE. In spite of all the cowardly, lazy and insane religious believers, and criminals - those who govern and those who follow them like sheep to the slaughter, to these negative, inhumane and depraved powerful elites, who disastrously govern by brute force over the innocent and defenseless human beings on Earth. Namaste! Beloved people of the Earth. Javier7PERU = = = = THE OM BOOK (The Book of Truth of Life). CANON 32:58, Written by Billy, the 7th Great Prophet of Truth! Through the falling and accumulation of individual water drops, a jug fills slowly. The same law applies for the learning of the truth and wisdom and the knowledge. 247. The unrighteous person torments and kills his fellowmen through punishment, but the wise person is mild and forbearing, and therefore patient, however always admonishing to the fallible and guilty, therefore he is the stricter. 314. If there are no mighty ones, rather only spirit leaders among the people, then the human of the Earth lives inwardly and outwardly in true paradise. 315. If there are no spirit leaders who lead the people, then the people would be thrown to and fro like a ship in a great storm of the ocean, and the mighty would have complete power over them. BILLY MEIER, = = = Billy Meier prediction - John Paul 1 murderer, by Rhal Zahi https://youtube/watch?v=maBqmhqr_gE Jesuit Order - United States Under Siege - Vatican Nazis https://youtube/watch?v=bu6UY7KRHYs “Religions and sects correspond to organizations and groups which stultify the truth and the consciousness and through which the human being is led away from actual reality and its truth, and, through which, by means of false teachings, he is beaten into serfdom and his consciousness is kept enslaved.” Excerpt taken from Billy Meier writings, FIGU.org = = = The Case of Mr. Billy Meier of Switzerland FIGU.org is the most important case or human event of Earth History. And unfortunately, it is simultaneously the most censored and suppressed case from the web by the Power Elites who disastrously rule this world = = = Mr. Billy Meier, his writings, wisdom and knowledge are fully supported by: El Sr. Billy Meier, sus escrituras, sabiduría y conocimientos son totalmente apoyados por: Javier V. Maldonado Alliance for Responsible Humankind on Earth & DERN Universe! ¡Alianza por una Humanidad Responsable en la Tierra y el Universo DERN! Tel (0051) 9970-24-006, LIMA-PERÚ. javiermaldonadotrevinos@hotmail FIGU.org , Billy Meier, Switzerland; theyfly, Michael Horn , USA. futureofmankind.co.uk/.../Goblet_of_the_Truth ... steelmark.websitetoolbox/post?id=2895459 * * * * * * *
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 02:38:16 +0000

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