THE TRUTH ABOUT HIM Jesus is God and is as powerful as God - TopicsExpress


THE TRUTH ABOUT HIM Jesus is God and is as powerful as God Himself is. The name God covers three Beings. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus is God the Son specifically. Jesus before the beginning of the world was neither Jesus, nor God the Son, but was God. In the Old Testament of the Bible, the name Jesus was never mentioned except during a prophecy. And also the only time Son of God was used in the Old testament apart from being a prophecy, was when King Nebuchadnezzar assumed that the form of the Being in the fire must be a son of a God i.e biological son of God because he felt that God existed as a Commander, or even King in Heaven. Jesus is God in all ramifications. In the Old testament, there was never a difference nor specification between God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit- All were referred to as God. Remember, during creation God said, Let Us create man in Our Own image. God here was given no emphasis nor specification. Meaning every Act of God the Father, God the Son, n God the Holy Spirit was considered as been done by just God. So Jesus is indeed God and not man until a question was asked in Heaven... Who will open this Seal and go down to redeem mankind. Jesus felt so touched that no one dared to risk his position in Heaven to go down and die for common man; since redemption required the blood of an Heavenly Being. So Jesus arose and opened the Seal and agreed to die for you and for me. The consequence of His decision was that Hed lose His position as God and forever become a common man. He didnt mind the shame, He didnt mind the pain, He didnt mind the loss... He simply agreed to come and die for us. And following this decision, God gave Him a unique name Jesus. And so instead of the usual God He used to bear, He now bore Jesus. At the appointed time of his birth, He left His Mighty Throne in glory to become a little boy in the womb of Mary. He lived as a man and so became a little lower than the Angels. He set a standard that every man on earth should follow. A standard of peace and love towards God and towards man. But Jesus only had thirty-three years to perform and fulfill all the prophecies about Him. He became a teacher at 12 years old and taught in many synagogues. But He never performed any miracles nor became publicly known until He was 30 years of age. He wanted us to know the power of God and so He fulfilled every prophecy about Him as a teacher, Savior, Healer, as well as prophet_because of course He also gave a prophecy of things to come- in just three years. Remember, His only reason for coming to the earth was to die and reconcile man unto God with His Blood and as well become an example to the whole world that man can make it. After His death, He resurrected three days after and ascended to Heaven with the same human flesh He died in. So God seeing how perfectly Jesus had redeemed man with His Blood, restored to Him His lost position as God. But Jesus was so humble and touched by Gods kind gesture and made himself lower than God seeing He now wore flesh and is no longer like God who is a Spirit. Jesus still has the powers of God but because He made Himself lower, He no longer sits on the throne as God but as a Son. Son here means a person having equal powers with God but not equal position any longer. So Jesus now became like a true son would be to his father. Now, Jesus new role is to preserve and get people to God. Jesus now visits the world to reveal himself to anyone He chooses to. God always remains on His throne but Jesus and the Holy Spirit now became earths visitors. The Holy Spirit joined Jesus but is not in anyway lower than God but still remains as God. Jesus too would have yet became God but He respected God so much because He didnt want to be a God in human flesh and still sit with God. God now prepared a Mighty Throne for Jesus so that Jesus could sit beside Him in Heaven. Jesus is God but only became a man so that He could sacrifice Himself to the Almighty. If He remained as God, He would be a Spirit and spirits dont die. Because of Jesus Big sacrifice God now has absolute powers to rule every thing in the universe. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit never had a beginning and will surely have no end. So now, Christians all over the world worship God in His absolute powers and worship Jesus in His Godly powers and also worship the Holy Spirit in His fiery powers. We know what sacrifice Jesus has made and so we still worship Him as God because God Almighty permits us to worship Him. Thats why our dearly Beloved Jesus remains God in our hearts even though he has lost His Godly throne although He still has His Godly powers. Now you know!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 10:07:54 +0000

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