THE UNPARDONABLE SIN! !! !!!. Study Matthew 12:22-24, 31-32 - TopicsExpress


THE UNPARDONABLE SIN! !! !!!. Study Matthew 12:22-24, 31-32 ;Hebrews 6:4-9 ;10:26-31 ;1 Timothy 1:13. Jesus,in the passage we read(Matthew 12:31-32) said that every kind and every single sin a man commits can be forgiven him except one. To blaspheme the Holy Spirit is to make an insulting remark or curse against the Spirit of God. It is a blasphemy therefore to attribute to Satan the work of the Holy Spirit. Such a sin is unpardonable if it is done maliciously and knowingly as the Pharisees had done when Jesus healed the possessed deaf and dumb man.They did so to discredited Jesus Christ(Matthew 12:22-24). There are some people who were once Christians but they renounced their Christian Faith or defected to other religion.They are called apostates.By their action they have rejected Christ and his atoning work. As such they have lost their salvation. The Bible says that it will be impossible to renew them again to repentance(Hebrews 6:4-9). Apostasy calls for eternal punishment. It is a willful sin committed after a Christian has received the knowledge of the truth. He has rejected Christ as the only sacrifice for sin.He will have to suffer the punishment of that rejection(Hebrews 10:26-31). I do not think that those who are focused at gun point to renounce Christ fall under this category of unpardonable sinners. Before he met Christ,Paul was a blasphemer,persecutor and killer of Christians.He did these things ignorantly and in unbelief. He later received mercy because it was not a willful act. (1 Timothy 1:13). A Christian who ordinarily backslides by teering down the foundation of repentance already laid can be readmitted into the Church. He will have to build again the foundation of repentance and learn again the first oracles of Christ(Hebrews 6:1-2).This means that he can be pardoned and re-established in the faith(Revelation 2:5). PRAY THESE PRAYERS. 1.If you have committed the unpardonable sin you may have to see a deliverance master for counseling. 2.Kneel down and sincerely confess your sins and ask for forgiveness.Do not rush.Repent of all your ways until you are convinced in the spirit that you are forgiven. 3. O thou that visited Paul on his way to Damascus visit me in Jesus name. 4. Redemption power of Jesus,be available for me afresh in Jesus name. 5. O Lord,teach me the first oracles afresh in the name of Jesus. 6. My sin of ignorance,receive mercy by the blood of Jesus. 7. Fire of God visit the foundation of all backsliding Christians in Jesus name.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 06:46:17 +0000

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