THE UVBIAMUGE DECLARATION IN THE LIGHT OF DELTA STATE 2015 GOVERNORSHIP RACE: A STEP IN THE WRONG DIRECTION by Sam-Ogbodu Nero To pretend that this declaration hasnt caused some uproars is same as pretending that Nigerians are unaware of the fact that Nigeria gained independence on 1st October 1960. What is the UVBIAMUGE DECLARATION? Simply put, the Uvbiamuge Declaration seeks to produce an “Urhobo Governor in 2015. This declaration however has no other mission and vision. It should be noted that there has been so much upheavals about this declaration. Without mincing words, I want to state vehemently that this Uvbiamuge Declaration was cooked up by some selfish leaders within the Urhobo Political Elites. So much has been said about this declaration. Let it be known that this declaration was long overdue and as such it has outlived its usefulness. It has been stated categorically that He who seeks equity must go to the court with clean hands . In the light of the above however, some questions are begging for answers: Just to mention a few: * Why was this Uvbiamuge Declaration not made when DELTA STEEL COMPANY folded up? Delta Steel Company happens to be the only existing steel company in Urhobo land (Ovwian/Aladja) to be precise. *Why was this Uvbiamuge Declaration not made when majority of the URHOBO YOUTHS who were designed to partake in the Federal Amnesty Program were sidelined?! *Why was this Uvbiamuge Declaration not pronounced when the DELTA STATE UNIVERSITY, ABRAKA was characterized by lack of good infrastructures and a conducive learning environment? Be that as it may, I want to make bold that this Uvbiamuge declaration is just a means to an end. If our leaders are truly bent on developing and catapulting the URHOBO NATION to greater heights, this declaration would have surfaced a long time ago. Why should such a declaration spring up just when the Delta 2015 Gubernatorial Race is around the corner? This is not to say I dont believe in the growth of the Urhobo Nation, but there are other pressing issues that needs to be addressed within the URHOBO NATION. I dont believe in Peace before justice, but justice before peace. LONG LIVE THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA!!! LONG LIVE DELTA STATE!!! LONG LIVE THE URHOBO NATION WORLD WIDE!!! LONG LIVE URHOBO PROGRESSIVE UNION!!! URHOBO WADOOO!!!
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 07:58:51 +0000

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