THE WHORE OF BABBLE-ON, Conclusion Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh! How - TopicsExpress


THE WHORE OF BABBLE-ON, Conclusion Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh! How long can I remain silent? When I look around at the various visible-to-me goings-on in Hell, I feel emotionally compelled to say something, if only to distance myself Or in other words, to make it clear that I disagree vehemently with what I see. But then I remember that I already said my piece-- Which I hope is my peace-- And anything else I said would be a repeat. Thus I must trust that I said just the right amount, not more, not less. And although I enjoy writing Love poetry to Satan, My heartfelt sentiments are surely lost on an audience of haters and robots. Thus I also must trust That my commitment to Love has been conveyed in correct measure, Not more, not less. The only NEW issue that I have discovered since signing-off last year Is the one I had discussed on December 31 and January 1 In a comment to the previous post. But in the end (or in other words this morning), I decided that my findings summarizing over FOUR years of personal research Deserved a more prominent place among my writings than a footnote. I dont think anyone will fail to get the Devils reference to toast, Which will therefore keep me from going pedantic. So after the asterisks (***) you will find The conclusion of the discussion in the previous post, which was entitled THE WHORE OF BABBLE-ON. *** Who would have guessed (not I, when I began this thought project to identify the WORST evil-doer(s) in human history) that the worst--that means most God-hating, which in turn means LEAST GOD-FEARING--evil soul lurks within what is widely considered to be a pillar of civilization: A humble, hard-working, generous, devoutly Jesus-loving, devoted matriarch or patriarch of a family? But who else would have the nerve to SIN UNREPENTANTLY UNTO DEATH, WHILE DEVOTING HIS OR HER ENTIRE LIFE TO FALSELY CLAIMING TO BE SAVED--WASHED CLEAN IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS--TO GARNER ACCOLADES FROM MEN, WOMEN, AND ESPECIALLY CHILDREN??? There is not one except the aforementioned (see also EZEKIEL CHAPTER 16 for a more detailed description of this character, there referred-to as The Lords Faithless Bride, and also note well that most churches in Christendom teach that the church is The Bride of Christ.) There is no one who FEARS GOD LESS! Religious authorities and vocal Atheists and politicians and lawyers/judges and CEOs and prisoners, for example, at least say and do SPECIFIC CONTROVERSIAL THINGS that can be tested on a regular basis and publicly criticized, which means that they are MORALLY accountable to a higher authority ON EARTH at some level and actually understand that fact. THEY ARE WOLVES IN WOLVES CLOTHING, in other words. They dont put much, if any, effort into disguising their true selves, or if they do, the results are in-credible, to say the least. The Christian masses, on the other hand, fear God so little that they would LIE about being in Gods favor (unless theyre admitting to being INSANE, ie, not knowing that God and sin dont mix, which again means that they dont know right from wrong, and more importantly, THEY DONT CARE, BECAUSE THEY NEVER, EVER STOP SINNING) to obtain respect from others for their HUMBLE DEVOTION TO GOD. THEY ARE WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING, in other words. These dress-up good guys play sheep--they insist, in all seriousness, that they are harmless and sweet--as they REFUSE to follow Gods Commandments and make victims of their neighbors. They UNABASHEDLY USE GOD as their cover among men WITHOUT FEAR OF GODS PUNISHMENT for doing that, and at the same time, they REFUSE to put forth their LEGAL cases to PROVE their RIGHEOUSNESS. Indeed, they act as if they are too simple-minded to understand the ways of God, while at they same time they INSIST--unlike the wolves in wolves clothing, who are generally accountable to receive the publics criticism in one way or another--that their salvation is a PRIVATE matter, because...wait for it...Jesus ABOLISHED THE LAW! WTF?!? When youre spending your weekends atoning for your sin by slaughtering 1-ton farm animals (your own prize possessions) with your bare hands, no one is going to become confused about whether you are a good guy or a bad guy. No, Dearie, Im so sorry, but Dexter cant come out to play today; he was a bad boy again last night, so hes going to be performing ritual sin offerings under Moses strict supervision for the next seventeen years. But enter Christians, who die with the same frequency as ancient Jews (which is to say at a rate of 100%), which means that they are similarly WEDDED TO SIN, yet Christians insist that the Mosaic Law doesnt apply to them, because they are soaked in the blood of the Lamb--the blood of the human sacrifice GOOD GOD purposed to make of the INNOCENT Jesus--and therefore they were made clean, and the rest of us are supposed to take them at their word, ie, BELIEVE THEM when they claim that they are NOT INSANE, and moreover, that everything they say is TRUE *because*...wait for it...THEY ARE THE ONES SAYING IT WITH THE SAME CLEAN MOUTHS THEY USED TO CONFESS JESUS. Like I mentioned, thats not perfection, thats sick and twisted, not to mention cray cray. There is SIN and there is RIGHTEOUSNESS. There is no such thing as a pious sinner. Period. Sinners DIE (and while they are alive, they teach others that death is unavoidable), and the righteous do not. Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees [my note: there was not one righteous soul among them, because theyre all dead], you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:19-20.)
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 19:12:49 +0000

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