THIS APC GOVERNMENT IS VERY RECKLESS AND USELESS. This government must be very silly to lockdown poor people for days without food supplies . Who will pay the bills ? Who will feed the poor kids living in the streets ? And what difference will the lockdown make --- has there been an authoritative medical research to show that a lockdown could prevent Ebola ? We do not need a lockdown , but a 30 days quarantining of affected areas . All we need is boarder controls and serious leadership in this fight against Ebola. This Ebola could have been prevented had this failed APC government prevented the movement of persons from affected to non- affected areas . Some infected person travelled with Ebola to Freetown , then to other parts of the country . All this government should do now is to prevent or minimise the movement of people from one area to another . You can do so by suspending movement of vehicles. The Liberian song na my area could be the best slogan in this Ebola war . Everybody stay in your area and help with monitoring and surveillance. During the rebel war , nobody dire travel to okra hill or rebel held areas . People were afraid to travel to war zones . This could be the best approach , in that people are prevented from traveling to Ebola zones . Seems this government is treating Ebola as a joking matter or money making enterprise , with the collection of uncounted for envelops and donations at State House . The political ,social , economical and cultural ramifications of Ebola is serious and could bring our county to zero . Not sure what is wrong with this APC government , but the people really need an alternative ( not another bad SLPP ). Yet, we have the psychopaths, sycophants and misguided elements in our country , wearing the APC colour who could now come and attack us and brand us of politicising the Ebola crises . How can this not be politicised , when in fact politicians took the wrong decision and today people are dying ? This is all about politics ( you like it or leave it ). What can we do?
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 22:39:10 +0000

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