THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED! Information gathered by spyghana - TopicsExpress


THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED! Information gathered by spyghana indicates that the police administration is covering up for the police ‘villain’ who sporadically shot at customers in Cal Bank banking hall in Accra Derby Avenue branch, by sending wrong information into the public. The police, through Joy fm report carried on Sunday, the 9th of March 2014, in an interview with DSP Freeman Tettey painted a negative picture of the whole incident to the general public that the victim, Nathaniel Nortey attempted snatching the AK 47 assault rifle from the policeman who was at a duty post at the entrance of the bank. According to the interview granted to Joy fm by DSP Freeman Tettey, the victim was described as a suspected armed robber who probably came to the bank to rob, and hence the decision taken by the police on duty to open fire at him. DSP Freeman Tetteh also indicated that the suspect slapped the police officer but failed to reveal the truth of the matter that the police rather slapped the victim at the counter in the banking hall. But the true story from the victim, Nathaniel Nortey reveals that, on the 8th of March 2014 at around 12 noon, he went to the bank to make payments into his account. “When I finished I came out of the bank and saw a shop where radio and furniture are sold right opposite the car park, so I decided to check in and purchase one,” he said. He revealed that he was in the shop with the shop attendant who had opened one of the radios and was showing it to him when the police officer came to the entrance of the shop asking him to come out and move his car from the bank’s car park. Nathaniel Nortey revealed that the police officer claimed he (the police) was told by the bankers that he (Nathaniel Nortey) did not do any transaction at the bank. “I then showed my banking receipts to him which was dated 8-3-2014. But he said he was not interested in that, and that I should just come out and remove the car.” “I told him to give me a second,” “… he started shouting that I don’t respect, and I told him not to scream at me because I was not a small boy. He started abusing me in the shop. When I noticed it was getting worse and there was nobody in the shop (only myself and the shop attendant who is a little boy), I came out and asked him to abuse me in the open to show what he was doing was right” he said. Nathaniel Nortey also noted that, when the police officer saw there were lots of people outside the banking hall, the police officer threatened to deal with me so “I asked the shop attendant to excuse me because the embarrassment was too much and I walked back to the bank which is just about 10 to 15 steps away from the shop where he was harassing me.” He continued to state that, the police officer followed him back to the banking hall when he was enquiring from the bankers of the truth behind the fact that he did not do any transaction at the bank. “The police officer came into the bank and started pushing me that I should leave the bank, I repeatedly asked him to stop. Before I could open my mouth to say anything else the officer has landed me a filthy slap on my face. I responded in the same way and he said he was going to shoot me right there in the bank,” he said. “…he opened fire and started shooting, everybody run out and he was chasing and still shooting at me at the bank. He shot not less than 3 times, and I ended up sustaining bullet wounds on my two legs.” According to him, the Bank Operations manager asked to take him to the hospital for treatment, but the police officer will not allow him get out of the banking hall until he (police) finished dealing with him. Although, Nathaniel Nortey told the police of the injuries he sustained and that his health is more important, the police insisted on not allowing him get out from the hall and that he was under arrest. It however took the intervention of the Bank’s Operations Manager to ensure that he was taken to the hospital for treatment, with the excuse that he will be brought back to the police station after treatment. The victim was taken to the Korle-bu Teaching Hospital, where an X-Ray was run on him with traces of bullets discovered in his two legs. Confirming this to this reporter, Nathaniel Nortey provided a copy of the X-ray and the receipts of transaction he had with the bank on the day of the incident. The parents of the victim are however calling on the Inspector General of the Police (IGP) to carry out through investigations into the incident, since it sounds bizarre to hear a police officer who is vested with the duty and power to protect citizens just open fire at people in a banking hall, at will. However, speaking to some residents at Dansoman, where the victim resides, they described Nathaniel Nortey as a gentleman who is well known for his affable, respectful character and that the allegations that he is a suspected armed robber as described by the policeman on duty at Cal Bank, is just a way for the police to cover up their incompetence and unprofessional duties which has been the case in most shooting sporados carried out by the police in their attempt to arrest suspicious characters by branding them as armed robbers after they have been killed by stray bullets. Meanwhile the bank officials say, they are ready to make available the CCTV recordings of the incident to the parties involved for transparency, and not only to the police. #ISpeakForJustice
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 13:50:31 +0000

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