THIS IS an Accurate QUOTE from another site Ground Zero When I - TopicsExpress


THIS IS an Accurate QUOTE from another site Ground Zero When I worked in Central and South America, I had to develop a few paranoia skills to keep me safe from any military or police entanglements. I knew that if I was ever stopped by the police, most of the problems or disagreements could be settled with American dollars. While bribing the local police would not be a good plan in the United States it was common for someone who may have a few extra dollars to give them to an armed soldier or officer to avoid being taken at gunpoint to a local prisoner camp for interrogation. Whenever I arrived at a location, my companions and I learned to be aware of the exits and know exactly how to make a getaway in case of a guerrilla attack, riot or extremist riot. These were common, everyday plans to get through the day in a country that was in the middle of civil turbulence. They were learned behaviors that we had to adopt quickly. The Argentinians had the advantage of knowing how to act because – psychologically – they were aware that changes to their democracy had happened so fast that they had to absorb the skills of being able to pack up and leave if conditions worsened in any given area. The sad thing is that there were a few people that did not want to be forced into making survival plans and many of them died because of the trauma that they experienced. The country had survived several traumatic experiences that affected the people internally and so there were many people that were apathetic to the trauma and struggled with a form of superficiality and they would always say the words “god willing” – indicating that they were fed up with making decisions and living under the gun. They were reducing their value of intentions and were satisfied with living by the will of god and not making conscious preparations for possible trouble ahead. I fear that we have arrived at this point as Americans and that one trauma or maybe several mini trauma’s have been enough for some people just to throw their hands in the air and just move about in life not being prepared for major setbacks that we seem to be seeing played out in the mainstream news. Many people feel that these major catastrophes happen and are apathetic about preparing for the possibility that they could be an active participant in personal survival. I am finding that many Americans are unwittingly taking part in what can be called ‘social dissociation‘, where apathy is accepted behavior and rage is the inevitable result of allowing the apathy to keep us in a false sense of security. As the State of the Union address was being broadcast last night and I was watching the pathetic doughy-eyed supporters of this administration clapping blindly to all sorts of cheerleading, I realized that there are still a large group of Americans out there that will docilely follow orders without questioning.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 02:48:42 +0000

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