THOMAS-- Not The English Muffin Guy… The Disciple John - TopicsExpress


THOMAS-- Not The English Muffin Guy… The Disciple John 20:24-28 (AMP) 24 But Thomas, one of the Twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. 25 So the other disciples kept telling him, We have seen the Lord! But he said to them, Unless I see in His hands the marks made by the nails and put my finger into the nail prints, and put my hand into His side, I will never believe [it]. 26 Eight days later His disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Jesus came, though they were behind closed doors, and stood among them and said, Peace to you! 27 Then He said to Thomas, Reach out your finger here, and see My hands; and put out your hand and place [it] in My side. Do not be faithless and incredulous, but [stop your unbelief and] believe! 28 Thomas answered Him, My Lord and my God! Todays word is trust. Were going to look at it in a little different light, however. Most people are familiar with this story in scripture. Thomas is remembered for his doubting and has been forever tagged with the name, Doubting Thomas. This has been portrayed as a negative, in the fact that he didnt believe his friends, the men he had been with day and night for the last 3 1/2 years. Im sure his thoughts were, If this is a joke guys, its not very funny. I can relate to Thomas. So much of what we hear today is slanted toward some agenda and though it sounds true, often its not. Apparently, because Jesus scolded him for not believing, the real problem Thomas had was not a lack of trust in his friends, but doubt that Jesus could raise from the dead. He was part of the, I cant believe it club. After all he had seen, walking with Jesus, all the miracles, deliverances and supernatural things, you would think that Thomas would feel like it was a possibility that Jesus could walk out of His grave like Lazarus did. It was important to Thomas to see the wounds of Jesus. Some people, often based on past disappointments, have an attitude of, Ill believe it when I see it! Thats a worldly way of looking at things. There is no faith in that attitude. Jesus looked at Thomas and basically said, After all youve seen, walking with me, why could you not trust that I could pull this off. Ive told you point blank that I was coming back. The fact that Thomas probably felt like an idiot was overshadowed by the excitement in actually seeing Jesus alive. Thomas was reprimanded for his unbelief, but Jesus did not spend much time on it. He just told him to stop it, stop his unbelief. Thomas had painted himself into a corner when he said, Unless I see in His hands the marks made by the nails and put my finger into the nail prints, and put my hand into His side, I will NEVER believe [it]. The phrase, Never say never comes to mind. Because of past experiences, like constantly being lied to, many people in todays world want to see something tangible rather than take your word for it. Telling people about Jesus is one of those instances. They want to see something real in your eyes. Unfortunately, trusting people doesnt come as easy as it used to. The days of the Andy Griffith show are over in most parts of the world. What people need more than anything is your story, your testimony. The stories in the bible are great, but YOUR STORY brings scripture to life. Your story makes the bible current because what was truth back then is still working in your life today. As they hear your story, the good parts and the bad, they can see it in your eyes; Jesus has made a difference, a positive difference. They heard you talk about your past, sinful life, but as you talk about Jesus they can see the Holy Spirit light up your eyes. When they see your scars and can see how God has healed so many wounds, then they begin to realize, Theres hope for me. Yes, its a wonderful thing to blindly believe and to have simple faith like a child, but so many of us have been so hurt, through lying and manipulation and abuse, that until we have actually met Jesus, all we have to believe in is your story. You might think your story not all that dramatic and that most people would think it was boring, but trust God; He knows which people can relate to your story and thats who He’ll send your way. Its better to believe without seeing, but the goal is for them to believe, so whatever it takes, thats what well do. Every time you tell your story it makes you stronger. Every time you tell your story the angels rejoice in heaven. Every time you tell your story, the bible says, your story and blood of Jesus causes you to be an overcomer. Every time you tell your story, the Holy Spirit convicts the unbeliever and the doors open for their salvation. The key is TELL YOUR STORY!!! Every time you tell your story, it gives the devil a migraine because it tells others that theres hope and shows them that Jesus really is the answer. Today lets be aware of any opportunity that God would open for us to tell our story. I used to travel with another minister and while waiting to step out on the platform to minister to the people, we could feel the Holy Spirit rise up and energize us. We looked at each other and my partner said, How do people who do not minister survive? That was a powerful statement. I can honestly say that I get more out of ministering than the people Im ministering to. The anointing that rises up strengthens and heals me. Telling your story is ministering. Minister means help. Keep your eyes open today. Gods going to open a door for you to tell your story. Praise God! Go for it! Have a blessed day!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 05:10:53 +0000

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