TIL that Howard Stern ran for Governor of New York in 1994 - TopicsExpress


TIL that Howard Stern ran for Governor of New York in 1994 promising to limit road work to night hours. He eventually withdrew, but later that year, The Howard Stern Bill was signed into law which limited road construction in New York City and Long Island to night hours. reddit/r/todayilearned/comments/2b8jrk/til_that_howard_stern_ran_for_governor_of_new/ • I know this is seen as largely a good thing, but a huge workforce now has to work only at nighttime, kinda sucks for them • They get paid 2nd & 3rd shift hourly increases most likely. Its not all of the workforce, just on specific projects, also have you ever worked at night? It can be the ideal situation for a lot of people. Working w/ the least amount of supervision, commuting in no traffic, shopping w/ nobody in line. Its pretty cool. • They still have the supervision at night. The best paet for them is not working in the heat. Asphalt work is hot anyway, so doing it at night is great. • Plus working outdoors at night is much better in the summer time then during daytime under the hot sun... Winter on the other hand... • Hooo hooo... tell em Fred, I invented overtime. • Waddle doodle. • Bone dry... • Can we all take a minute to consider if he ran again? • Hes running for vice president in 2016. • It is nice of him to think of how hot road work can be. m/...(>.<)…m/ Share this post and let friends know about r/todayilearned and type @reply us share message • We are grateful for two things on this page: Liking a post on this page to increase the likelihood of future posts to show up in your newsfeed. And Share this Page with friends in private message and public posts to increase the visibility of these posts and this page.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 22:50:32 +0000

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