TODAY [T] TELL [O] OTHERS [D] DAILY [A] ABOUT [Y] YOU JESUS !!!! If YOU are able TO MOVE ,YOU are BLESSED ; If YOU are able to WALK , YOU are BLESSED ; If You are able to TALK ,YOU are BLESSED ; THERE are SOME in THIS WORLD that CAN’T do THIS. I WITNESSED this I watched many that maybe paralyzed physically but their SPIRIT is not THEY CONTINUED TO PRAISE and UPLIFT THE NAME OF JESUS. Take a Trip and VISIT a NURSING HOME , You may go in to try to SHARE JESUS but They will UPLIFT YOU. YES , they NEED VISITS but THEY are QUICK to SING PRAISES to HIS NAME . There are Some that today , YOU will say I don’t feel like getting up and PRAISING NOW. THERE are some that will put it OFF until they get their BUSY schedule done. There are some that have scheduled PRAISE and WORSHIP out of their life for NOW and then they will add a PRAISE at a later date. THESE are the CHURCH FOLKS, not those who just DO NOT ACCEPT CHRIST as THEIR SAVIOUR. THIS IS WHY The CHURCH PEWS have so MANY empty SEATS. YES ,the CHURCH FOLKS NEED TO GO TOO. I FEEL that CHURCH is LIKE Getting GAS in YOUR CAR. YOU can’t ride on an EMPTY TANK. WHEN we meet and LIFT UP JESUS in a CHURCH , THIS IS GAS for our SOUL. THAT is WHY WE HAVE BECOME SO SLACK , MANY ARE SITTING OUT OF GAS,WAITING to get FILLED . YES, YOU CAN and SHOULD PRAISE and WORSHIP JESUS DAILY , not just on SUNDAY. I heard one time that if you only serve JESUS from week to week this will eventually make you WEAK. I was SHARING with someone that if a BULLY was BEATING ME up ,it Might be Easy if I was by myself, but if I WAS WITH OTHERS , the Bully would NOT be as Successful. This is WHY GOD wanted the BELIEVERS to FORSAKE NOT THE ASSEMBLY . HE WANTED THEM TO LIFT EACH OTHER UP and SUPPORT EACH OTHER IN CHRIST JESUS . WHEN THE CHURCH COMES TOGETHER IN ONE ACCORD , LIFTING UP JESUS CHRIST there IS NO GREATER FORCE .THE Devil will TREMBLE and the enemy WILL FLEE. Let’s BE HONEST, WE cannot ALL FIT in ONE PLACE HERE on this EARTH , [there are many churches that teaches the BIBLE GOD’s WORD} Let’s get BUSY Filling them UP and going out to the HIGHWAYS and HEDGES and COMPEL THEM TOO to COME IN . JESUS IS COMING and I WANT EVERYONE TO MAKE IT IN. PEOPLE NEED THE LORD !!! WE HAVE A WORLD OF HURTING PEOPLE and THEY NEED TO KNOW JESUS !!!! THOUGHT FOR TODAY …… How MANY have YOU SHARED JESUS TO THIS WEEK …………[PRAY and ASK the SPIRIT to LEAD YOU,GUIDE YOU and GIVE YOU the WISDOM TO WITNESS]
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 13:47:31 +0000

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