TOP TEN REASONS WHY SOLO ROAD TRIPS ARE THE BEST! 10. Lets start with the word SOLO as in: for or done by one person alone; unaccompanied. ALONE! 9. Because my husband who would prefer that his family remain dehydrated and wearing Depends on car trips so that he doesnt have to pull over and can make good time (for what?) isnt around, I can drink all of the liquid refreshments and pee all I want. 8. I will stop and ask for directions! 7. Because the back seat is empty, I dont have to make idle threats about knocking heads together or pulling over and letting someone out by the side of the road. 6. And since there are no children, I dont have any neck or shoulder strain or fatigue from reaching behind my seat to constantly pass things back or to snatch things away that are causing irritation or not being used properly. 5. I can chew gum as vigorously as I like and dont have to hear about how Im chewing like a cow. 4. I can stop at every bakery/cafe in the many small towns along the way. Whats another 10 pounds; Im on vacation! (Plus, more liquid refreshments!) While stopping frequently, I can also check out all of the antique and thrift stores I want between Middlebury, VT and Belgrade Lakes, ME, because I do need more junk. And scenic overlooks? Hell yeah! 3. I dont have to try to sneak or share my many snacks. 2. I can listen to any music I want as loud as I want and I dont have to worry about embarrassing anybody with my singing, acting out songs, snapping, dancing, and playing any of the many air instruments at which Im accomplished ( Scott Chamberlain, you know what Im talking about!). 1. At the end of it I get to spend quality time with one of my oldest and most wonderful friends and her family!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 01:58:29 +0000

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