TRADES UNIONIST AND SOCIALIST COALITION (TUSC) NEWS RELEASE – 4 November 2013 TUSC is delighted to announce that John Marston is TUSC’s candidate to challenge Riverside Council seat vacated by Paul Brant John Marston, veteran socialist, life-long trade unionist and seasoned campaigner, will fight for the Riverside Council seat made vacant by Paul Brant’s resignation, Unlike Paul Brant John will campaign for an end to all cuts, and for the immediate end to the evil bedroom tax. He will demand that the council declares it has no intention of penalising those who cannot afford the bedroom tax. Paul Brant had supported all of the cuts proposed by Mayor Anderson, John Marston opposes them. Mr Brant referred to the cuts as ‘savings’, John Marston calls them their real name which is ‘savage cuts’. John is implacably opposed to Mayor Anderson’s proposal for further cuts of £150million now being proposed which will savage the city’s remaining services bringing further hardship to the neediest in our city. John demands that the Council acts responsibly to defend jobs and services and that the city’s financial reserves be used to restore services already cut. Mayor Anderson has used the city’s reserves to bankroll a questionable company to convert the ex-Tax Building into flats; Everton FC to purchase land for training facilities; the restoration of Cunard buildings as a cruise terminal and offices. None of these enterprises will benefit those who rely on services in the city. John Marston says ‘if the city’s financial reserves can be used to finance private well-heeled interests, they can be used to restore the cuts in services on which our people rely.’ John supports the anti-bedroom tax campaign and the Labour Movement campaign of resistance to further cuts being imposed by the Labour council on behalf of the ConDem millionaires’ government. The complete absence of organised opposition to these attacks by Labour both at national and local level, and Miliband’s pledge to maintain the ConDem cuts, underlines TUSC’s firm commitment to mount a political challenge to the three main parties In Riverside and in future elections. John Marston’s campaign will prepare the ground for widespread challenges at all future elections. ********* For further information contact Daren Ireland on 07787128498 or Dave Walsh on 07969511796 or email: Merseysidetusc@gmail
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 08:15:06 +0000

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