TRIBUTE TO MY SISTER & FRIEND; SARAH KAGINGO At Makerere University, the name Sarah Kagingo is still fresh and vivid in everyone’s mind. It is as if Sarah founded Makerere or she was the first Professor at the University. But no! Sarah was the second female guild president of my alma mata, the great Makerere. For everyone who has gone through Makerere since 1999, the name Kagingo is painted all over the University. One could actually think that Makerere has not had any other guild president since her time. She was a daughter of the movement, like she fondly calls herself. She was the first Movement (NRM) leaning candidate to win an election at the institution since 1986. She initiated the study groups, PanAfrican clubs while at the university. These led to the ideological awakening of the students and the students began to embrace the Movement. Products of these clubs include Hon. Towdong and others. The Movement still had clear headed leaders like the late Brig. Mayombo who always visited and supported these clubs regularly. By the way, doesnt the NRM have other Mayombos? I doubt! Why are these proud young ministers not engaging the youth and students like Mayombo did? I first met Sarah in February, 2012, it was in the committee room of parliament. Parliament was on recess. We had a productive and youthful meeting. The meeting was chaired by Hon. Col. Fred Mwesigye. I sat next to Sarah in the meeting. We were a group of young people, roughly 15 in number. This is when I came to appreciate her intellect. This formidable team had been organised by Comrade Rutaro Robert, her counter part, also former guild president of Makerere. We were a group of pragmatic young leaders, on a mission of rolling out a nationwide programme of sensitising the populace about the President’s message on prosperity for all with emphasis on commercial farming and raising of household income. We wanted the President’s re-election in 2016 to be simpler after the populace had digested his prosperity for all message. This was the first group of young people to openly support President Museveni’s fifth term in 2016. Therefore, it is very wrong for some people dubbing themsleves pro Museveni youth to own and ring-fence the President while plagiarizing someone’s idea. These youth have failed on implementation. At the end of this meeting, it was unanimously agreed that Sarah takes over the daily operations of this group as the General Secretary. I was tasked to closely work with her as her assistant, since she had a busy schedule running the President’s errands. The achievements and progress of this group will be discussed another time. But something has fundamentally gone wrong. Sarah’s intellect, knowledge and abilities can’t be wasted away, more so, in an embarrasing and degrading manner. Alas! Look at how her official car was withdrawn. Plain clothed officers, let it be flying squad or whatever flanging her gate open like thieves, and sending her children in disarray etc! Was this force necessary? She felt broken as she narrated this ordeal. We have to remember one thing that the politics of this country, and the continent at large are being shaped by the youth. Look at the recent development in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, an entrenched military ledaership of 27 years was chased away by angry and hopeless youth. Undoubtedly, in 2016, half of the number of voters in Uganda will be below 30 years. Therefore, for any contenders of any position, ought to court the youth. Therefore, treating a youthful cadre like Sarah in a degrading manner sends a wrong message to the youth. As great supporters of NRM, and particularly President Museveni, we are greatly worried by the actions and behaviour of these all powerful aides around the President that continue to behave with impunity disregarding the political situation in the country and on the continent. Who is responsible for hiring and dismissing workers in the country’s top office? Is it the President, the powerful comptroller, or some spirit somewhere? We all remember how a certain man, a cleaner at State House was disgracefully dismissed for being sick. The powerful Presidential Press Secretary, Tamale Mirundi mocked away this man and dismissed him in media for being sick. What pyschological effects did this humiliation cause to the relatives of this disgraced man? Imagine, they were President Museveni’s supporters, didn’t they get second thoughts? Recently, the same Tamale Mirundi bragantly fired Sarah through social media, when Sarah asked about her termination letter, she was reminded that she didnt have an appointment letter. Which is this ghost that steals people’s appointment letters? Lately, it seems the President has given many of his aides powers to hire workers for certain projects and programmes, and also to fire them at will, at times disgracefully dismissing them. Save paying their salaries! This is happening everyday, thankfully, Sarah’s dismissal has exposed this. Unlike Sarah who has been a high ranking official, there are several others going through the same; cleaners, secretaries, office attendants etc. The public needs answers to this. Why are their children being embarrassed, humiliated and disgraced? Lastly, Sarah has done her part. She has defeated wrong elements. Wrong elements who have been conning the President of colossal sums. How can State House website designing cost 600 million shillings? Now, the website is off, being redesigned and upgraded by an American company. I know many Ugandan companies who would have done this work, actually better than Americans. No, Americans are always brighter! Sarah, our time to shine is coming. I wish you the best! Banyankore say “Ngu nibagambira abahansi ngu nabahiguru bahurire” Duncan Abigaba Former NRM Chairperson, Makerere University
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 13:06:23 +0000

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