TRINITY; HOLY FATHER, SON, AND SOMETHING IN-BETWEEN Ok, youve got to admit it... The HOLY TRINITY is at best, a tough concept to grasp, even for Christians! I remember when I was just a little girl, about 7 or 8 years-old. Even back then, I was a bit of a skeptic, and my teachers, the good old nuns at Saint Augustine Grammar school in my home-town of Manchester, NH, wondered if I would ever get through life without having the fingers on my left hand flayed open by the hard edge of an oak measuring stick, a ruler, which those same nuns thought was aptly named. One late fall day, a day much like today, I put up my hand to ask Sister Catherine about this Holy Trinity we were all so confused about. My hand was up for a long time, and I had to brace it, but I was persistent. Finally, after she rolled her eyes and gave me the customary groan she let loose every time she called on me, I finally got to ask her how God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost were one and the same person. (Im going to pause here, just for a moment, to let you know that our handsome, young pastor, with the Cary Grant looks, kindly changed the name from Ghost to Spirit after several parents began to complain about their kids nightmares. At least, thats what Sister Catherine told us after she giggled up a storm when Father O happened to pass by the doorway of our classroom the same day we were instructed about the change.) Anyway, I have to tell you, in the back of my mind I thought there would be some elaborate, technical explanation gleaned from the annals of a thousand catechisms, or at least a long, rational debate between the Pope and his many cardinals that would provide Sister Catherine with the wisdom to respond to my query, but quite frankly, I was stunned by her response! Jeanne Marie Boudreau, said Sister Catherine as her two cheeks turned a vibrant, almost painful-to-look-at shade of ruby-red. Go to the blackboard. Of course, I did as she asked. I picked up the stubby piece of chalk and took my stance. I shuffled my new penny-loafers anxiously as I waited for her to pass on her knowledge about the Holy Trinity. Listen to me very carefully, Jeanne. Yes, Sister. Write down exactly what I tell you. Yes, Sister. The corners of her mouth turned up into a sweet smile. Here it comes! I thought to myself. The Holy Trinity is... she said before she paused. Write it down neatly now, Miss Boudreau! Yes, Sister Catherine! Of course, Sister Catherine! I answered as I perfectly formed the last s. Good, she cooed. Now, Ill give you the letters one by one... She spoke slowly, waiting for me to complete each perfect letter to her satisfaction. When she was done reciting the phrase, I took a step back form the blackboard. My mouth went agape and the chalk dropped from my hand. There, on the black slate slab that loomed in front of me were these words: The Holy Trinity is a mystery. That was it. That was all. I was so torn-up, so mortified, and hearing all of the titters and giggles echoing off my back, it took everything I had in me not to rush out of the classroom in tears. Still, a moment later, I did have my epiphany... one that was recently confirmed when I ran into my old nemesis at the grocery store, where she promptly found cause to remind me of that very day, that very moment... Sister Catherine is a jerk! Now that Ive told you about my own quest for the Holy Trinity, Im going to take a stab at explaining it because I dont want YOU to have to go through the embarrassment of having to ask, and the decades of searching for that answer like I did. OK, deep breath! Here goes… The Mystery of the Holy Trinity manifests as such… God (the Whole) is made up of 3 Divine aspects: God the Father (aka The Big Guy), God the Son (aka Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit (aka the Divine Word, or the Sophia, expressed symbolically as a white dove). All 3 of these Divine aspects simultaneously exist as ONE, but can also simultaneously exist as separate beings. When Jesus incarnated (became flesh), his Spirit/Soul was still linked to the Divine Father and to the Holy Spirit. But, Jesus was also separated from them in human form. He was still spiritually tied-into the immortal Trinity, but he was also set apart as a physical, mortal human being. Jesus’ praying to God the Father is logical, in that as a man, with all the limitations that come with being a man, he could not be part of the omnipotent and everlasting Heavenly Realm at the same time that he was here on Earth. He had a limited scope of presence in the Divine, and was therefore dependent on his Heavenly Father for support and spiritual strength. Well, Everyone, thats about the best and most simple way I know to explain the Holy Trinity. Jesus’ existence with, and dependence on the Trinity is a key issue that Ill have him exploring throughout my novel series (particularly in my second book, Yeshua the Christ). If you want to know the true burden that Jesus bore when he came to Earth on his Mission, then just imagine having had omnipotence, immortality, and divine power since The Beginning, only to have to come down here and exist as a mere mortal, a human being, with all the physical and psychological limitations that we all have. It must have been tortuous and so very frustrating for Jesus to suspend his divinity and be, as he referred to himself, a “Son of Man”. Makes for an interesting novel series, doesn’t it?! Anyway, I hope this explanation was helpful, and that it will give you a peek into what Christians and Catholics alike believe about “God” and the Holy Trinity. Now, its time to tell THE MIRIAMNE PAGE what YOU think! Let us know, right here, right now. If you are currently seeing this article on one of the many PAGES that MIRIAMNE contributes to, please be assured that I WILL be notified of your comments, and I WILL respond to you right HERE, on THIS page. You dont even need a blackboard! Remember, as always, your comments are appreciated and validated! JB Richards, Author https://facebook/pages/Miriamne-the-Magdala-First-in-the-Series-of-the-Yeshua-Miri-Novels/206903979347028 To learn more about MIRIAMNE THE MAGDALA the FIRST BOOK in the UPCOMING PUBLICATION of “THE YESHUA AND MIRI NOVEL SERIES, and to CATCH UP with RECENT AFFAIRS that AFFECT OUR WORLD, please CLICK on the ABOVE LINK to THE MIRIAMNE PAGE. Don’t forget to HIT the “LIKE” BUTTON at the TOP of the PAGE once you’re HERE to get our DAILY UPDATES FIRST HAND, along with EXCLUSIVE, PRE-PUBLICATION EXCERPTS from the ENTIRE “YESHUA AND MIRI NOVEL SERIES!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 03:02:56 +0000

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